ConstruBikes - San Diego focus

This article focuses on the San Diego-specific details of Bike Index's ConstruBikes data and analysis.

If this is the first thing you are reading of this matter, stop - go read these 2 links first, then come back here:

Article 1: WIRED article

Article 2: ConstruBikes - the 10,000 ft view

During our time spent monitoring ConstruBikes, we saw that seller switch his inventory to new supply locations: California, Oregon, and Colorado.

For a time- late 2021ish - many bikes came from San Diego. Hence this blog post.

We were able to identify a number of these stolen bikes and engaged with the victims, but never the location or seller/contact ConstruBikes was using to source bikes from the San Diego area.

We engaged San Diego police and various cycling contacts in SD, but nothing ever came of it due to the lack of info and details we had.


The data and specifics here are posted for San Diego area theft victims, investigators, media, etc. We hope it helps illuminate the size and scope of the problem.

This is a small chunk of the bikes we saw sourced from SD.

For example: Stolen 2019 Trek Procaliber 9.6 - listed for sale

More SD-sourced bikes can be viewed here:

There are more, in the archive you can view here - How to Navigate the ConstruBikes Archives

We simply don't have time or resources to link them all. Bikes shown in the same visual settings as the above can be assumed to have been sourced from San Diego.

Please Help Support Our Work:

This investigation took a large amount of time and resources. This was a 4 year effort involving countless unpaid hours of work, collaboration, and analysis. You can support Bike Index investigator Bryan Hance directly, via Venmo, at @bhance - and/or you can support Bike Index by clicking here and donating.

-Bike Index