Thanks Bike Index! translated from English
Ruairi Bike recovered 2025.1.13Incredibly observant and kind Portlander texted me with pictures and location of the bike. They even kept an eye on the bike until I was able to drive to the location to grab the bike back. Thank you thank you thank you to my fellow Portlander! translated from English
Daniel Bike recovered 2025.1.12Email from awesome Bike Index user about an online Facebook ad. Notified Police, they conducted a sting and recovered the bike! translated from English
Eric Bike recovered 2025.1.9A observant neighbor found it, and posted the find on Facebook / CO Stolen Bikes Watch page. Other users saw thr FB post, who had also seen on Bike Index my stolen bike and connected the dots. Within a couple hrs, Jonathan used Bike Index and contacted me via Bike Index. translated from English
Jeanne Bike recovered 2025.1.8A King County Metro Transit Sheriff Deputy recognized it from the bike index listing! translated from English
Ethan Bike recovered 2025.1.8Someone from Bike Index let us know that it was listed on facebook marketplace and we informed the police who recovered it the next day. Thanks!! translated from English
Melissa Bike recovered 2024.12.30A Sunnyvale Police officer noticed the bike in an unusual location, confirmed it was stolen by looking up Bike Index and contacted me. Bike Index was super helpful! I'm so grateful to the police officer and Bike Index! translated from English
Lavanya Bike recovered 2024.12.29The bike was posted on kijiji and when a kind citizen went to look at it, they looked up the serial number on Bike Index, saw it was stolen and texted me. EPS then went and recovered the bike. Thank you Bike Index and EPS all for making this happen on Christmas Day. translated from English
Kathryn Bike recovered 2024.12.26Some one saw the bike ditched in woods near their home while they were walking their dog. They mentioned it to their father who saw the posts shared on facebook and contacted me to confirm it was the right bike. translated from English
Yohoki Bike recovered 2024.12.20Thanks BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index!! translated from English
Blaine Bike recovered 2024.12.19Thanks BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index!! translated from English
Tim Bike recovered 2024.12.19Thanks BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index!! translated from English
London Bike recovered 2024.12.19Thanks BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index!! translated from English
Bike Bike recovered 2024.12.19Thanks BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index!! translated from English
Lisa Bike recovered 2024.12.19Bike Recovery Action Team (BRAT) Seattle contacted me through Bike Index! translated from English
David Bike recovered 2024.12.19Calgary Police Service contacted me to let me know they had checked bike index after responding to a call. They looked for my bike on bike index and matched the serial number. translated from English
Jordan Bike recovered 2024.12.19I got contacted by the Bike Recovery Active Team (Seattle based group) that someone had found my bike close by. I am so grateful :) translated from English
Masoud Bike recovered 2024.12.17The Bike Index team reached out to me about a posting on Craigslist possibly being my bike. I am so amazed and impressed with the Bike Index team. I am also so thankful to get this special bike back after 4-1/2 years. translated from English
CJ Bike recovered 2024.12.13Someone purchased it on Craigslist, looked it up on Bike Index to find it was stolen, and found my contact info. They texted me wanting to return the bike to me (at no cost). It was very generous of them. translated from English
Rachit Bike recovered 2024.12.10Found it on FB Marketplace. Used my serial from this site and the police honored my claim. translated from English
Luis Bike recovered 2024.12.10Police officer saw post, saw my bike in downtown kitchener, then returned it to me. translated from English
Hanz Bike recovered 2024.12.5Someone scanned my serial number and contacted me translated from English
Mack Bike recovered 2024.12.5Bike index member spotted the bike and BRAT was notified. BRAT contacted police who then recovered it! translated from English
Mag Bike recovered 2024.12.4The Police called to say that they had found it. They recognized it from the distinctive sticker on the seat post. They were able to retrieve the bike and return it to me. Bike Index and the police report helped! translated from English
Kim Bike recovered 2024.12.4Cops found someone riding it and apprehended it and returned it. translated from English
Aiden Bike recovered 2024.11.27Found it on FB Marketplace. Was able to get serial number from bike shop who still had it on record. Worked with Bike Recovery Action Team.Thanks to Greg’s Cycles, Bike Index and to the Bike Recovery Action Team for the help. translated from English
Marcia Bike recovered 2024.11.27The police said they found them next to other stolen bicycles. Thanks Bike Index! translated from English
Ugur Bike recovered 2024.11.26Mike Pavlik in Minneapolis helped me get it back! translated from English
Grant Bike recovered 2024.11.25Thanks BVT bike recovery and Bike Index! translated from English
Amblen Bike recovered 2024.11.21Thanks BVT bike recovery and Bike Index! translated from English
Luneiry Bike recovered 2024.11.21Thanks BVT bike recovery and Bike Index! translated from English
Bike Bike recovered 2024.11.21Thanks BVT bike recovery and Bike Index! translated from English
Scott Bike recovered 2024.11.21Thanks BVT bike recovery and Bike Index! translated from English
Shane Bike recovered 2024.11.21Somebody found my bike by their house and messaged me on bike index. Thanks! translated from English
Rocco Bike recovered 2024.11.14The police found it and ran the serial number through bike index translated from English
Ken Bike recovered 2024.11.10Law enforcement recovered it during an arrest and was found in his property. The police looked up the serial number and tracked it to my profile on Bike index where I had it marked stolen and finally I went and recovered my property at the evidence warehouse translated from English
Robert Bike recovered 2024.11.8Somone phoned me directly after seeing the bike on facebook and then checking the bike index. I went to their house and got my bike back. translated from English
Daniel Bike recovered 2024.11.8Police recovered it with help from Bike Index! translated from English
jeven Bike recovered 2024.11.7Police recovered it with help from Bike Index! translated from English
jeven Bike recovered 2024.11.7I saw a group of people outside of the local bottle depot. I told them I had an open police report and would like the bike back. I told them I have the serial number and would call the police if they didn't give it back. I also had an open Bike Index file I could show them. translated from English
Eric Bike recovered 2024.11.7Recovered by the Calgary Police Service, they contacted me through Bike Index! translated from English
Bradley Bike recovered 2024.11.5I got it back with the amazing assistance of Bike Index, BRAT, and SABRE, especially Tracy. Amazing story--we got more than mine back! translated from English
Eli E Motorcycle/E Dirtbike (No Pedals) recovered 2024.11.5Through the facebook group, I got a message that it was found abandoned 15miles away. translated from English
David Bike recovered 2024.11.5BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
Kiara Bike recovered 2024.11.3BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
Justin Bike recovered 2024.11.3BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
Eleanor Bike recovered 2024.11.3BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
William Bike recovered 2024.11.3BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
Amanda Bike recovered 2024.11.3BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
Bike Bike recovered 2024.11.3BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
Bike Bike recovered 2024.11.3