stolen Felt F85 F-LITE

Stolen 2019-09-29T08:00:00-0500 from Brooklyn, NY 11215, US

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Bike photo
  • Serial: HR12252213
  • Manufacturer: Felt
  • Model: F85 F-LITE
  • Primary colors: Yellow or Gold

Theft Details

  • Location: Brooklyn, NY 11215
  • Locking description: Chain with padlock
  • Locking circumvented: Lock is missing, along with the bike
  • Stolen at:  2019-09-29T08:00:00-0500
  • Police report #: #5296
  • Department & city: 72nd Precinct Brooklyn NY

Description of incident

Locked as per usual outside apartment building. Locked in evening. Found to be stolen around 9am Sunday Sept 29. Please note this is my daughter's bike. I listed her bike for her a few years ago when she lived in Ithaca.

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