How to write an essay? Correct! Creative, What is behind this word? Shvidshe for everything, flight of thought, originality, etc. It's simple: the main thing - learn the rules.
1. Only positive language (describe better what is, not what is not).
2. Linking words (they help you move smoothly from one part to another).
3. Clear structure of speeches. (Reading speeches correctly structured is tedious. Add a few inversions. Write different for the length of the speech.)
4. Understand the words. (Understand the meanings of the words you are using. You write to make sense, not to use words. (The vishukanity is fine, but in moderation).
5. Rizni words (synonymy.)
6. Laconicity.
7. Every word is important (no repetitions; every word must have an unique meaning).
8. An active life position.
9. Books about life are great.