forex liquidity for broker

As a liquidity provider, we can influence greater price stability and also improve liquidity by making it safer. Thanks to this function liquidity providers become important services. They usually take a significant amount of risk but are still able to profit from the spread or by positioning themselves thanks to conclusions based on valuable information available to them. GBE Prime offers more than 70 foreign exchange pairs electronically. In addition to that GBE provides individual, tailor made product setups for clients on demand. Even without electronic price availability for exotic currency pairs, GBE Prime is able to trade these products classical via phone orders. How liquid a market is reflects how active it is. The number of traders actively trading and the overall volume they are trading decide it. During the weekdays, the foreign exchange market is open for trading 24 hours a day, which contributes to its high liquidity. With a daily transaction of close to $6 trillion, the market is also extremely deep. Although liquidity varies as various financial centres open and close during the day, there are typically constant, high volumes of forex trading.


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