Recovery Stories

Recovered through Bike Index, the CA distributor from Tern, & two awesome people that found it and held it for a month! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Taylor Bike recovered 2019.4.23

Police located it and contacted me via the Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Max Bike recovered 2019.4.17

I was contacted by a person who had purchased the bike from whoever stole it. He saw my listing on the Bike Index and contacted me to let me know he was in possession of the bike. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Evan Bike recovered 2019.4.14

Recovered by Nola PD and identified using the Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Marlon Bike recovered 2019.4.13

Stolen Bikes Nola recovered this and found me with the help of the Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Stolen Bikes NOLA Bike recovered 2019.4.12

Stolen bikes Nola recovered this bike and found me with the help of the Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Stolen Bikes NOLA Bike recovered 2019.4.12

Stolen bikes Nola recovered this bike and contacted me using the Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Stolen Bikes NOLA Bike recovered 2019.4.12

Stolen bikes Nola recovered this bike and contacted me using the Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Jorge Bike recovered 2019.4.12

The bike was recovered by Stolen Bikes Nola, and they contacted me via the Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Stolen Bikes NOLA Bike recovered 2019.4.12

The bike was recovered by Stolen Bikes Nola, and I was contacted about it via the Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Stolen Bikes NOLA Bike recovered 2019.4.12

Stolen bikes Nola recovered this bike and found me with the help of the Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Stolen Bikes NOLA Tricycle recovered 2019.4.12

Thanks to the bikes task force and the Bike Index I have my bike back! Just shows how important it is to register your bike. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Thestoner Bike recovered 2019.4.11

I got a message from someone on the Bike Index who saw it posted on Craigslist! Thanks so much! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Jesse Bike recovered 2019.4.10

Scott of Splendid Cycles is my HERO!!! He spotted it at a camp and did all the footwork to get it back in my hands. What an amazing human he is. : ) translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Sarah Cargo Bike (Front Storage) recovered 2019.4.10

The Portland PD recovered my bike and called me to pick it up. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Bryan Bike recovered 2019.4.9

Found and ID'd in the Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Stolen Bikes NOLA Bike recovered 2019.4.9

An officer from the SFPD recovered the bike and I couldn't be happier! Don't lose hope - register with the Bike Index and a huge thank you to the SFPD! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Eric Bike recovered 2019.4.9

I was contacted by a bike shop who recognized the bike via my listing on the Bike Index. Someone had brought it in for repairs. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Sharon Bike recovered 2019.4.6

After our bikes were stolen, we registered them on the Bike Index, and a local hero contacted us to say that there's a sketchy listing on OfferUp with a bike that looks a lot like one of ours. It definitely was. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Valeria Bike recovered 2019.4.5

The Edmonton Police Services recovered my bike on April 5, 2019 at the Coliseum LRT station. They were able to use the Bike Index to ID me as the owner. I met the Constable at the station and brought my bike home. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Gillian Bike recovered 2019.4.5

The police received a hit the Bike Index that a pawn shop had entered in the serial number of the bike and it was a stolen bike. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Shawn Potts Bike recovered 2019.4.4

Stolen Bikes NOLA called me and I picked it up Saturday, 30 March 2019 ! Thank You so much Stolen Bikes NOLA & Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Stephen Bike recovered 2019.4.2

Someone posted on Stolen Bikes Nola that they bought a bike locally. Another member shared my post from Bike Index, and I was able to make contact and verify it was my bike! You guys definitely helped, and I will say this: from now on I will take many pictures and make sure I register my serial #! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Chin-Sun Lee Bike recovered 2019.4.1

The wonderful team of Stolen Bikes NOLA found it and contacted me via the Bike Index March 18th to recover it. I was out of the country and came back last night: today I picked it up. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Esme Bike recovered 2019.3.31

Thief posted bike for sale on line. People saw my add on here and contacted me about the add. Would have never been able to contact police services as quickly as I did without the Bike Index! Thank you!!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Andrew Bike recovered 2019.3.30

I had someone I know pretend like they were interested in buying it and when they went to exchange the money he just took it! Found using the Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Bailey Bike recovered 2019.3.30

Someone saw the bike on the Bike Index's twitter and recognized it on the street. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Patrick Bike recovered 2019.3.29

Recovered 5 years later after someone found it abandoned and then used the Bike Index to identify it! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Julie Bike recovered 2019.3.21

The Portland Police located the bike after 3 months missing and used the Bike Index to contact me! Thanks Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Toblerpwn Bike recovered 2019.3.19

After it was stolen at the end of last week, my bike apparently took a trip downtown Seattle. I'm told it was sold on the street to a guy for $150. The "new owner" was led to believe it was not stolen - but when he went to register it on Bike Index realized it was mine. Thank you Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Lauren Bike recovered 2019.3.18

The Bike Index sent me a link to the seller who had listed it on LetGo. I worked with local law enforcement and we recovered it 2 years after it was stolen! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Christopher Bike recovered 2019.3.16

I visited the seller's home where I posed as a buyer and visually identified the bike, then cops picked it up and verified the serial number. The Bike index was useful to quickly share the information with friends and the police, and as a reference for myself. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Julie Bike recovered 2019.3.10

Someone contacted me after seeing that I posted my bike missing on the Bike Index. Turned out it was my bike and I was able to get it back home within a few hours! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Jeff Bike recovered 2019.3.6

Person who purchased it checked the Bike Index and saw that it was stolen. They were awesome enough to give me a call so I could recover it! Thanks Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Forest Bike recovered 2019.3.1

Person who bought it returned it after seeing it on the Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Peter Bike recovered 2019.2.28

An awesome bike messenger saw it near 7-Eleven downtown pdx. Posted the picture on Instagram, and his friend found it on the Bike Index. He contacted me, and found it again later in the day. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Greg Bike recovered 2019.2.25

Bike was returned by pastor of Methodist church where it was left behind by someone who was camping in the vicinity. The pastor saw bike on the Bike Index and contacted me. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Matt Bike recovered 2019.2.25

Dude bought it on OfferUp, they checked the Bike Index and saw it was stolen. Contacted me almost immediately. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Walker Bike recovered 2019.2.24

Bike Index for the win! Someone found it abandoned near their bldg and brought it in. Thank you!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Lindsey Bike recovered 2019.2.23

Calgary peace officer saw my Bike Index listing and saw some one on the bike while on duty, spread the word about it, and literally within a day the bike was found! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Alex Bike recovered 2019.2.21

While it was unclear where the person saw it first, a person connected my bike from Bike Index with a bike (mine) for sale on the Bellingham/Whatcom County, WA facebook for sale classifieds, for $1,500. Thanks, Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Eric Bike recovered 2019.2.11

Someone found the bike and tried to sell it at a pawn shop, but after realizing it was registered stolen on the Bike index they wouldn't buy it! The person called me and asked for a small reward and returned my bike to me. Thank you! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Stephanie Bike recovered 2019.2.1

Someone contacted me after running the serial number on the Bike Index. Thanks! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Nick Bike recovered 2019.1.23

The police found it! Thanks Bike Index for telling us about the twitter tip off about bike being painted - that was indeed our bike! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Patrick Bike recovered 2019.1.23

SFPD officer checks Twitter every morning for Bike Index tweets. He saw the tweet about my bike and happened to see it on the street in the morning. Whoo hoo! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Beth Bike recovered 2019.1.18

Found it on OfferUp via someone on the Bike Index. Met the seller and bought the bike back for next to nothing. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Shawn Bike recovered 2019.1.15

Someone bought the bike downtown, and then searched the serial number on the Bike Index. They realized the bike was stolen, so they got in contact with a Bike Index representative, and now I have it back! The only compensation the person asked was that we make a donation to the Bike Index! Done! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Teasha Bike recovered 2019.1.15

Edmonton Police Service recovered it using the Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Damian Bike recovered 2019.1.9

A Bike Index user saw a posting on Letgo and emailed me suggesting that it was my bike for sale. I contacted the seller, who agreed to meet me. I called the police on my way to the meet, and the officers came shortly after I looked at the serial number and confirmed it was my bike. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Jeffrey Bike recovered 2019.1.8

Another Bike Index user saw it for sale! The authorities did a sting operation & got it back! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Monica Bike recovered 2019.1.8