stolen Raleigh M80

Stolen 2016-08-31T01:00:00-0500 from Seattle, WA 98115, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: YF96J06132
  • Manufacturer: Raleigh
  • Name: Raleigh M80
  • Model: M80
  • Primary colors: Green
  • Frame size: L
  • Frame Material: Aluminum

Distinguishing features

Adult Bike; Mfgr Raleigh; Mod M80; S# YF96J06132; Mouintain; 24 speed; size 20; Green

Theft Details

  • Location: Seattle, WA 98115
  • Locking description: Cable lock
  • Locking circumvented: Lock was cut, and left at the scene.
  • Stolen at:  2016-08-31T01:00:00-0500
  • Police report #: T16008730
  • Department & city: Seattle PD

Description of incident

I went to work at ten o'clock am. Locked bike up across the street from where I work which would make it locked to the fence on the east side of Roosevelt High school, Just south of stairs. Came out to go home at a few minutes past four o'clock pm. Bike was gone. cable with lock was tossed on other side of fence. Unclear if they tossed my helmet over there as well due to me failing to check.

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