stolen Nishiki Century

Stolen 2016-08-20T01:00:00-0500 from Oakland, CA 94612, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: unknown
  • Manufacturer: Nishiki
  • Model: Century
  • Primary colors: Blue and Orange

Theft Details

  • Location: Oakland, CA 94612
  • Stolen at:  2016-08-20T01:00:00-0500
  • Police report #: T16013161
  • Department & city: Oakland

Description of incident

I left my bike locked outside the Comerica Bank at 12th and Broadway around noon on Saturday, August 20. I had a Kryptonite U-lock attaching the frame and front tire to the bike rack, along with a cable running from the U-lock through the seat and rear wheel. The helmet was hooked to the lock, and there was a white waterbottle with the label for "Sunflower Diversified" in one of the water bottle holders. When I returned to the bike rack around 3:30 pm,everything was gone. (Note: Bike is blue with orange handlebar wrap)

Drivetrain and brakes

  • Pedals PD-M540 ()

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