Stolen 2016-08-14T01:00:00-0500 from Syracuse, NY 13202, US
This is a full size mountain bike with full suspension and front and rear disc brakes. I still had it's original mountain tread tires, but I replaced the seat, added two front facing lights and one rear facing light, installed a wired bike computer, and had a clip-on rear bike rack attached to the seat post. There is a scuff in the paint on the top of the frame between the seat post and handlebars, and also a noticeable scratch on the top of the handlebars towards the right side. The front suspension shocks have some rust on the front.
Secured bike by threading a cable lock through the bike frame and the spokes of my front wheel (as I always do) and locking it around a lamp post. After being elsewhere for roughly 2.5 hours, I returned to find it missing, lock and all.