stolen 1984 Peugeot Mixte

Stolen 2016-07-20T01:00:00-0500 from Denver, CO 80202, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: unknown
  • Manufacturer: Peugeot
  • Name: Peugeot
  • Model: Mixte
  • Year: 1984
  • Primary colors: Green
  • Frame Material: Aluminum

Distinguishing features

Ladies vintage mint green 1984 touring. White seat drop handlebars with green wrapping. The head light is built in yet is broken with no bulb or anything inside. There is a New Belgium Fat Tire metal emblem on the handlebars in the top middle. The drop handlebars are different than the one in the picture but the coloring and everything else is the same.

Theft Details

  • Location: Denver, CO 80202
  • Stolen at:  2016-07-20T01:00:00-0500
  • Police report #: T16010095
  • Department & city: Police Department, Denver

Description of incident

My Vintage mint green ladies mite body type bike with drop handle bars with green wrapping was stolen out of my schools bike cage that had been left open on 7/19/16 in the alley on 19th st in between market and Blake. It has a front light that is original but no bulb in it. Another unique marking is a New Belgium Fat Tire metal emblem in the middle top of the handle bars.

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