Stolen 2020-09-07T10:00:00-0500 from Seattle, WA 98115, US
142705 C
This is a tall bike (roughly ~61 cm seat tube ~55 cm top tube), custom orange paint job with white/blue detailing, blue Rodriguez paint. Black fender rack, black sushi box on top tube, blue/white striped handlebar paint.
UPDATE! Bike was seen being loaded into a California License Plate 8KYW257 Silver Nissan Sentra on 9/8 near University of Washington, by a bald caucasion (maybe?) man. Original theft details: Bike was propped up against our garage between the car and the garage door, waiting to be brought in after a ride on Labor Day. I thought my husband brought the bike in and he thought I brought it in so we didn't realize it was stolen until the next day. My helmet was also stolen.