stolen Other Vintage 3-Speed Male City Bike

Stolen 2020-02-18T03:00:00-0600 from New Orleans, LA 70115, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: unknown
  • Manufacturer: Other
  • Model: Vintage 3-Speed Male City Bike
  • Primary colors: Red

Distinguishing features

Red male city bike with brown leather seat. No photos but looks very similar to photo posted.

Theft Details

  • Location: New Orleans, LA 70115
  • Locking description: Cable lock
  • Locking circumvented: Lock was cut, and left at the scene
  • Stolen at:  2020-02-18T03:00:00-0600
  • Police report #: B-22794-20
  • Department & city: NOPD

Description of incident

Red male city bike with brown leather seatstolen from back of house on corner of camp and bordeaux. Bike lock was cut through. Thief stole multiple bikes in the area.

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