stolen 2015 Xtracycle EdgeRunner 10E Cargo Bike Rear (E.G. Longtail)

Stolen 2019-11-12T18:00:00-0600 from Seattle, WA 98117, US

Cargo Bike Rear (e.g. Longtail) photo
  • Serial: WU5D00080
  • Vehicle type: Cargo Bike Rear (e.g. Longtail)
  • Manufacturer: Xtracycle
  • Name: Xtracycle EdgeRunner 10E
  • Model: EdgeRunner 10E
  • Year: 2015
  • Primary colors: Black
  • Frame size: L

Distinguishing features

Bosch battery system, front rack with silver reflective zipper bag, faded red rear "Car Sick" cargo bags, running boards and rear "flight deck" padded seating for passengers, Hooptie attachment, wired lighting and small handlebar mounted computer, left bell,

Theft Details

  • Location: Seattle, WA 98117
  • Stolen at:  2019-11-12T18:00:00-0600
  • Police report #: 19-421682
  • Department & city: Seattle Police Department

Description of incident

Bike stolen from residential garage overnight 11/11-11/12 2019.

Know something about this cargo bike rear (e.g. longtail)?

Contact the owner