stolen 1965 Free Spirit female

Stolen 2019-10-14T21:00:00-0500 from Calgary, CA

Bike photo
  • Serial: unknown
  • Manufacturer: Free Spirit
  • Model: female
  • Year: 1965
  • Primary colors: Blue

Theft Details

  • Location: Calgary, CA
  • Locking description: Cable lock
  • Locking circumvented: Lock was opened, and left unharmed at the scene
  • Stolen at:  2019-10-14T21:00:00-0500
  • Police report #: CL19810092
  • Department & city: CALGARY

Description of incident

I locked the cruiser bike on Friday on the bike park located under the ramp and the staircases under the university train station. Coming back on Monday, I witnessed that my bike is gone with the tampered lock disposed on the ground.

Know something about this bike?

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