Stolen 2019-09-26T10:00:00-0500 from Portland, OR 97201, US
Bike was locked outside of the Science Research and Teaching Center of PSU. The southern building where there are green bike racks. (Locked among other bikes , where I have locked before). Was gone for 3 hours (between 10AM and 1PM) to find the cut bike lock on the ground.Bike is mint green and silver/grey colored with a black plate over the rear wheel. (Used to slide my basket on, which was NOT stolen). Has a distinctive bell on it with a classic shape that is orange and black. Pattern on the bell looks like a finger print or tree ring.Could still possibly have a reflective on the base of the seat. It is a basic TriMet slap bracelet that is neon yellow in color. Maystill have the base to my flashlight which I kept with me. Picture attached does not show back plate