stolen 2015 Genesis 29 inch

Stolen 2015-09-16T19:48:31-0500 from Philadelphia, PA 19152, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: unknown
  • Manufacturer: Genesis
  • Name: 29
  • Model: 29 inch
  • Year: 2015
  • Primary colors: Red, Black, and White

Theft Details

  • Location: Philadelphia, PA 19152
  • Locking description: U-lock
  • Locking circumvented: Object that bike was locked to was broken, removed, or otherwise compromised.
  • Stolen at:  2015-09-16T19:48:31-0500

Description of incident

Approximately 5:00 in the morning two males of unknown race stole two blue recycling bins and two pieces of wood. Approached the bike, climbed up on the bins, cut a sign and slipped the bike up and over the pole.

Additional parts

  • Water Bottle Cage Black ()
  • Computer Computer is missing ()

Know something about this bike?

Contact the owner

Or call Owner's phone number: 267-978-9152