stolen 1984 Lotus Excelle

Stolen 2018-11-29T15:00:00-0600 from San Francisco, CA 94102, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: EN05801
  • Manufacturer: Lotus
  • Model: Excelle
  • Year: 1984
  • Primary colors: Blue

Distinguishing features

Light blue model from the mid 80's

Theft Details

  • Location: San Francisco, CA 94102
  • Locking description: U-lock and cable
  • Locking circumvented: Lock is missing, along with the bike.
  • Stolen at:  2018-11-29T15:00:00-0600
  • Police report #: T18034117
  • Department & city: San Francisco

Description of incident

I got a flat tire and sadly had to lock the bike to a sign.

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