Stolen 2015-06-11T01:00:00-0500 from Philadelphia, PA, US
Someone saw it happen! Here's what they had to say (going to check on security footage if I can later today): Update! From a post on Philadelphia Stolen Bikes: OMG, I saw it get stolen last night. I was tempted to stop and take a picture, but I was alone and it was 3am. It was a couple in a red suv. Woman was white, heavy set. A man was putting it in the back, I didn't get a good look. He was probably 5'8"-6' tall, medium build. It was on the east side of 9th St near the brick wall of Pennsylvania Hospital. It was strange, because the woman was out of the car on driver's side back seat, cleaning the floor mats as the man was putting the bike in the back. My gut told me something was wrong, and then I convinced myself that people have weird schedules and do stuff in the middle of the night. Check with the hospital about security footage, if you can get a plate number there is an excellent chance of catching them!