Stolen 2014-04-15T01:00:00-0500 from Los Angeles, CA 90029-2708, US
Vintage Nishiki Century Mixte (from the 80s), steel frame, frame slightly bent near rear tire, brand new derailleur, purple brake cables, cork grips.
At 3:36 AM on April 14, 2015, thief hopped the gate of apartment complex, went all the way back to unit and walked away with bike. Bike was leaned up against my stoop rails, unlocked (I'm usually so good with taking all the precautionary measure, but he caught me on an off night :( ). Landlord was able to isolate surveillance footage. Male wearing white t-shirt, dark hoodie/jacket, baggy jeans, sneakers. Stolen at a residential complex very close to Los Angeles City College. :( Please help!! video: video: video: video: