Stolen 2018-04-08T01:00:00-0500 from Amsterdam, 1031CC, NL
Second one stolen this year: black matte personalised 'opa' style mountain bike with normal city tires (not big MTB ones):- front wheel spokes a bit rusted- black double rims- suspension on the front - bike foot on the back- bulky pedals- v brakes on the back and front - shimano gear shifters- matte black handle bars & black seat bar holder- mud fender holders are longer and unusualSerial number is either 1683878 OR 154686342104 (not sure how to read it on the invoice)Stolen from Amsterdam Noord, 1031CC between 19:00 and 20:30, 8th of April 2018 -- Serial: 1683878 or 154686342104
Properly secured (abus 40-50Eur lock) stolen from Amsterdam Noord, 1031CC between 19:00 and20:30 on 8th of April 2018. Black matte personalized 'opa' style mountain bikewith normal city tires (not big MTB ones): - front wheel spokes a bit rusted - black double rims - suspension on the front - bike foot on the back - bulky pedals - v brakes on the back and front - shimano gear shifters - matte black handle bars & black seat bar holder - mud fender holders are longer and unusual