stolen SCOTT Hybrid

Stolen 2014-09-09T01:59:24-0500 from Portland, OR 97211, US

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  • Serial: GP 602462
  • Manufacturer: SCOTT
  • Model: Hybrid
  • Primary colors: Silver, gray or bare metal
  • Frame size: M
  • Frame Material: Steel

Distinguishing features

It is silver with a purple "ring ping" bell, toeclips, two bottle cages ( one was yellow), a black rear view mirror attached to end of handlebars and a rack on the back with silver metal expanding carry baskets.

Theft Details

  • Location: Portland, OR 97211
  • Locking description: U-lock
  • Locking circumvented: Lock is missing, along with the bike.
  • Stolen at:  2014-09-09T01:59:24-0500
  • Police report #: 14-60818
  • Department & city: North Precinct Portland

Description of incident

Bike was taken from backyard where it was locked to a metal outdoor swing.

Additional parts

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