stolen 2022 Cannondale Quick 4 XL

Stolen 2025-01-29T21:00:00-0600 from Portland, OR 97239, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: SB30442
  • Manufacturer: Cannondale
  • Model: Quick 4 XL
  • Year: 2022
  • Primary colors: Silver, gray or bare metal

Theft Details

  • Location: Portland, OR 97239
  • Stolen at:  2025-01-29T21:00:00-0600
  • Department & city: Portland Police Dept

Description of incident

We live at Griffis South Waterfront. On January 29, 2025, between approximately 6:05 and 7:45, my Cannondale Quick 4 Graphite XL bike was stolen from the parking garage. The bike was locked on metal cables at the top of the ramp on P3. Someone cut through the top cable and took the bike. We called the police as soon as we discovered that the bike was gone. We also took photos of the area. The thief left their tools and a bag because another resident chased them away. The thief fled through a door in the SE corner of the garage that leads down to Bond Ave. (by Growler Guys). The window in the door to the street was broken, which is how the thief got in. The bike has a red, white and black sticker on the frame, which is a parking permit for my office. It has a Blackburn Luminate 360 Light Set, a Greenfield kickstand KS3 285mm, a black Axiom Journey adjustable rear rack, a bell and a Kryptonite STD U-Lock.

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