stolen Momentum

Stolen 2024-12-30T17:00:00-0600 from Seattle, WA 98105, US

  • Serial: VOY26204053N
  • Propulsion: pedal-assist
  • Manufacturer: Momentum
  • Primary colors: Black

Theft Details

  • Location: Seattle, WA 98105
  • Locking description: U-lock
  • Locking circumvented: Lock was cut, and left at the scene
  • Stolen at:  2024-12-30T17:00:00-0600

Description of incident

I parked my bike behind the dough zone / trailside apartments across the street from University Village mall. I left it there to go to work at 11:45am and by the time I went back to hop on and go home around 6pm, my bike lock had been sawed through and my bike was gone. It's a black Voya/Momentum ebike with a tan seat and tan handle bars. I believe it has to be around the Udistrict, Ravenna, or Roosevelt areas of Seattle.

Know something about this bike?

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