Stolen 2024-11-24T02:00:00-0600 from Leesburg, FL 34748, US
Original paint job, mostly silver with some red around the neck of the frame. Currently the brakes are not connected as there are 2 brand new, clear coated fully aluminum 26in SRAM rims with clear coated white walled tires
I was trying to get a fire started in our fire place and while I was concentrating on that, this girl whom I don't really know but see around all the time, who had just stolen my friends bike from another friend's house 3 or 4 days prior to this incident, and has a history of stealing bikes, to advantage of my attention being elsewhere and stole my bike. To make matters wise, it has a trailer that isn't mine attached to it. A small square trailer, metal, flat with 3 walls, open on the end away from the tire. We are currently searching the city for it before we go as far as to make a police report. If located on our own we'll leave the police out of it. If it isn't going by morning I have no choice but to report it to the police as the trailer isn't mine, it belongs too a friend who was nice enough to loan it to me to collect firewood, which we now can't get because we don't have a trailer