stolen 2020 Fuji Sportif 2.3

Stolen 2024-09-22T21:00:00-0500 from Cambridge, MA 02138, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: WBD061L0603R
  • Manufacturer: Fuji
  • Model: Sportif 2.3
  • Year: 2020
  • Primary colors: Silver, gray or bare metal

Theft Details

  • Location: Cambridge, MA 02138
  • Locking description: U-lock and cable
  • Locking circumvented: Lock was cut, and left at the scene
  • Stolen at:  2024-09-22T21:00:00-0500
  • Police report #: 24008658

Description of incident

Last used my bike 20 Sep, parked it at the bike stands at Peabody Terrace facing Putnam Avenue around 8pm. Went to check on bike on 23 Sep, 11am, and it was gone. U-lock was wrenched out, combination lock was cut through. Both locks left at scene.

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