stolen 2015 Trek DualSport (DS)

Stolen 2024-09-16T20:40:00-0500 from Somerville, MA 02144, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: unknown
  • Manufacturer: Trek
  • Model: DualSport (DS)
  • Year: 2015
  • Primary colors: Black and Blue

Theft Details

  • Location: Somerville, MA 02144
  • Locking description: Not locked
  • Locking circumvented: Bike was not locked
  • Stolen at:  2024-09-16T20:40:00-0500
  • Department & city: Somerville

Description of incident

My boyfriend took the bike out of the basement and realized he forgot the lock. He leaned it up against the house for a few minutes, hidden behind our trash cans within the fence of our yard. In the time that it took for him to go get the lock the bike was gone.

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