stolen Rad Power Bikes Rad City

Stolen 2024-09-10T02:05:00-0500 from Seattle, WA 98103, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: CH4C21F0286
  • Propulsion: pedal-assist-and-throttle
  • Manufacturer: Rad Power Bikes
  • Model: Rad City
  • Primary colors: Black
  • Frame size: L

Theft Details

  • Location: Seattle, WA 98103
  • Locking description: U-lock
  • Locking circumvented: Object that bike was locked to was broken, removed, or otherwise compromised
  • Stolen at:  2024-09-10T02:05:00-0500
  • Department & city: Seattle

Description of incident

Bike was stolen from Storage room inside apartment. Someone broke in and took the bike, on September 10 2024

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