stolen 2010 Jamis Dakar XCT 1

Stolen 2024-09-11T13:00:00-0500 from Lakewood, CO 80226, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: unknown
  • Manufacturer: Jamis
  • Model: Dakar XCT 1
  • Year: 2010
  • Primary colors: Blue
  • Wheel diameter: 26in

Theft Details

  • Location: Lakewood, CO 80226
  • Stolen at:  2024-09-11T13:00:00-0500
  • Police report #: LK24802403
  • Department & city: Lakewood Police Department Lakewood Colorado

Description of incident

Two men entered our garage and took two bikes. One rode off on a bike and the second man attempted to drive the car while steering the bike through the driver's side window.

Additional parts

  • Rack Black rack on the back holding a fabric fishing tackle box

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