stolen Supercycle

Stolen 2024-09-11T17:00:00-0500 from Edmonton, T5K 2Y7, CA

Bike photo
  • Serial: unknown
  • Manufacturer: Supercycle
  • Primary colors: Purple

Theft Details

  • Location: Edmonton, T5K 2Y7, CA
  • Stolen at:  2024-09-11T17:00:00-0500
  • Police report #: OL24817429

Description of incident

I had my bike parked in my parking space in my building underground parking garage behind my car this morning where it always stays. I left my building garage this morning at 705am. I did not see anyone in the parking garage or anyone outside of the garage as I left the alley to go to the street. I have been at work all day and got home at 410pm where as I was backing up into my parking spot, I noticed my bike was gone. I called my boyfriend to confirm he didnt move the bike somewhere else. I walked around the entire parking garage and did not see any sign of my bike anywhere. The only people who should have access to my buildings underground garage are people who live in my building an have a fob to open the garage door or anyone with a key to the front door of the building. The garage door can be slow to close so there is also the possibility someone ran into the garage while the door was closing after someone had just opened the garage door and left. I attempted to register my bike into the bike index as best as could remember. I am also going to put up some flyers in my building to see if anyone saw something while I was at work.

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