stolen 2023 Aventón Soltera 1 (7 Speed) High-Step Large

Stolen 2024-09-06T03:00:00-0500 from Boulder, CO 80302, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: JH22E3924
  • Manufacturer: Aventón
  • Model: Soltera 1 (7 Speed) High-Step Large
  • Year: 2023
  • Primary colors: Yellow or Gold

Theft Details

  • Location: Boulder, CO 80302
  • Stolen at:  2024-09-06T03:00:00-0500
  • Police report #: T24002610
  • Department & city: Boulder

Description of incident

My ebike was stolen overnight from outside my house. It was in a parking area which is secured by a gate. I learned from a neighboth that a car was also stolen overnight from the parking area. I believe you received a police report already about the car. I had locked the bike's wheel to the frame with a u-lock, and locked a cable inside the u-lock that was attached to a heavy trash can. I am a renter, so this was the most secure lock I could do until I had permission from the owner to install an anchor lock that attached to the wall. This is the bike:

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