stolen 2023 Aventón Abound Cargo Bike Rear (E.G. Longtail)

Stolen 2024-09-21T19:00:00-0500 from Minneapolis, MN 55408, US

Cargo Bike Rear (e.g. Longtail) photo
  • Serial: AD4A0556
  • Vehicle type: Cargo Bike Rear (e.g. Longtail)
  • Propulsion: throttle
  • Manufacturer: Aventón
  • Model: Abound
  • Year: 2023
  • Primary colors: Silver, gray or bare metal

Theft Details

  • Location: Minneapolis, MN 55408
  • Locking description: U-lock and cable
  • Stolen at:  2024-09-21T19:00:00-0500
  • Department & city: Minneapolis Police

Description of incident

Just left it out front for 30 seconds

Know something about this cargo bike rear (e.g. longtail)?

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