Stolen 2023-10-25T10:43:00-0500 from Seattle, WA 98122, US
I bought this custom Rad Jake from one of the techs at Recycled Cycles in Fremont back in 2014-ish when I moved to Seattle. He said he even built the wheels himself. I didn't know about the bike registry at the time and unfortunately don't have a picture of the serial number. Fun story: he told me about cyclocross racing down in SeaTac so I blindly took it down to do a race with no prior experience. Had a great time, but also flew over my handlebars in the steps section, and got a flat tire. Haven't done cyclocross racing since, but a lot of memories on this bike.
Two individuals jimmied the door of our building's security door next to the garage, then sheared off the latch of our garage storage cabinet