stolen 2003 Bianchi San Remo

Stolen 2013-03-15T01:00:00-0500 from San Francisco, CA 94108, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: unknown
  • Manufacturer: Bianchi
  • Model: San Remo
  • Year: 2003
  • Primary colors: Blue
  • Frame size: 55CM

Distinguishing features

Light blue Bianchi San Remo road / light touring bike. Clipless "egg-beater" pedals, Mavic rims. Campignolo Mirage components. Two water bottle holders with no water bottle. One pump holder with no pump.

Theft Details

  • Location: San Francisco, CA 94108
  • Stolen at:  2013-03-15T01:00:00-0500
  • Police report #: T13005588
  • Department & city: Central Station / SF

Description of incident

Locked on sidewalk Reward: 100

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