stolen 1999 Royce Union 2000

Stolen 2023-05-20T04:00:00-0500 from Los Angeles, CA 90024, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: unknown
  • Manufacturer: Royce Union
  • Model: 2000
  • Year: 1999
  • Primary colors: Red
  • Wheel diameter: 26in
  • Frame Material: Aluminum

Theft Details

  • Location: Los Angeles, CA 90024
  • Stolen at:  2023-05-20T04:00:00-0500
  • Police report #: 230810001
  • Department & city: UCPD, LAPD, Los Angeles

Description of incident

Left bike at base of northwest stairwell of UCLA parking structure 1 at around 1:30 AM on May 20th. Bike was gone by roughly 2:45 AM.

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