stolen 2022 Addmotor M-81 Cargo Bike Rear (E.G. Longtail)

Stolen 2024-09-22T03:00:00-0500 from Denver, CO 80224, US

Cargo Bike Rear (e.g. Longtail) photo
  • Serial: AM08 12L3324
  • Other serial/registration/sticker: Battery: ZB-2030-4820-LL-S-EE-QE-0605393 Motor: AMR750FEAC06230
  • Vehicle type: Cargo Bike Rear (e.g. Longtail)
  • Manufacturer: Addmotor
  • Name: BFB
  • Model: M-81
  • Year: 2022
  • Primary colors: Green
  • Frame size: L

Distinguishing features

E-Bike. Cargo style

Theft Details

  • Location: Denver, CO 80224
  • Locking description: Not locked
  • Locking circumvented: Bike was not locked
  • Stolen at:  2024-09-22T03:00:00-0500
  • Police report #: 2024-6013640
  • Department & city: Denver, CO

Description of incident

Bike in Garage. Found garage open at 8AM. Bike last seen in garage 11PM previous night. Someone knew garage code.

Drivetrain and brakes

  • Ebike Motor Serial# AMR750FEAC06230
  • Ebike Battery Serial# ZB-2030-4820-LL-S-EE-QE-0605393

Know something about this cargo bike rear (e.g. longtail)?

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