Stolen 2022-09-27T20:00:00-0500 from San Diego, CA 92122, US
Small e-bike with 14 inch wheels. Black frame with orange/yellow trim.
I work for Ubereats and lock up my bike by Red Robin and Macys. I got an order from the other side of the mall, so I locked up my bike and went to grab the order. I come back, bike still there, so I decided to walk to Palisade (nearby apartment complex) where the order was headed so I can drop off the food. I dropped it off, headed back to the mall, bike was still there, and received an order from Panda Express (again on the other side of the mall.) So, I walk to Panda, pick up the food, come back to retrieve my bike to bike to the customer's apartment, and the bike was gone.