stolen 2021 Super73 S1

Stolen 2022-06-19T18:00:00-0500 from Los Angeles, CA 90024, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: F00LQ0186
  • Manufacturer: Super73
  • Model: S1
  • Year: 2021
  • Primary colors: White and Black

Theft Details

  • Location: Los Angeles, CA 90024
  • Locking description: Other
  • Locking circumvented: Other situation, please describe below
  • Stolen at:  2022-06-19T18:00:00-0500

Description of incident

The bike had an alarm and tracker. It was parked in a secure basement. Upon watching security footage this was targetted and the person knew exactly where my bike was. The tracker was found at 12007 Ayres Ave where a Velofix van was parked. This company and van had been to my apartment a few months prior to work on my bike. I was charging the battery so the bike itself is useless without it, I thought that would be enough to deter theft.

Frame and fork

  • Fork S1 black Air Fork (Super73)

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