stolen 1977 Schwinn Sierra

Stolen 2017-05-29T01:00:00-0500 from Seattle, WA 98109, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: unknown
  • Manufacturer: Schwinn
  • Model: Sierra
  • Year: 1977
  • Primary colors: Red
  • Wheel diameter: 700 C

Theft Details

  • Location: Seattle, WA 98109
  • Locking description: Not locked
  • Locking circumvented: Bike was not locked
  • Stolen at:  2017-05-29T01:00:00-0500
  • Police report #: T17006011
  • Department & city: Seattle Police Department, Seattle

Description of incident

Was out of town from 5/20-5/27, did not check on bike until 5/29. Bike was unlocked within a locked apartment garage. Not sure when the theft might have occurred. Two bikes were stolen: - Schwinn fixed gear bike. Heavily modified viontage Schwinn Continental (or possibly Varsity) frame. Powder-coated red with modern components. - 1984 Panasonic Team in navy blue with silver accents. Distinguishing features include brand new Schwalbe Marathon tires, black handlebar tape, and plastic platform pedals.

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