stolen other

Stolen 2017-02-24T00:00:00-0600 from Sarasota, FL 34232, US

Bike photo
  • Serial: WTU247C7841G
  • Manufacturer: other
  • Name: Trek
  • Primary colors: Black
  • Frame Material: Aluminum

Distinguishing features

trek bike 7.2 fx 17.5-m-13 black matte black heavy duty chains with red strip tip

Theft Details

  • Location: Sarasota, FL 34232
  • Locking description: Heavy duty bicycle security chain
  • Locking circumvented: Other situation, please describe below.
  • Stolen at:  2017-02-24T00:00:00-0600
  • Police report #: 17-015952
  • Department & city: Sarasota, Florida

Description of incident

Hide away storage manager said it was out in the storage unit hallway when maintnence saw the bike and took it to the lost and found, few days later someone claimed with the description of the bike. I went to talk to them in person and ask the maintenance guy who works there know anything about the bike, the maintenance doesn't recognize any bike he saw in the hallway or can't remember who the person claimed the bike. According to the police when ask about their lost and found policy, the district manager is aware about the policy and suppose to take a log who claim the bike. Unfortunately, the manager who works where my bike got stolen failed to get the claimer's information/evidence/serial number but the description of the bike. So people who works there knows about the bike missing and told someone to come and get it. Karma will get you back.

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