stolen 2006 Novara Strada

Stolen 2018-06-14T05:00:00-0500 from Los Angeles, CA, US

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Bike photo
  • Serial: F04011472
  • Manufacturer: Novara
  • Model: Strada
  • Year: 2006
  • Primary colors: Orange, Black, and White
  • Frame size: 58CM
  • Wheel diameter: 700 C
  • Frame Material: Aluminum

Theft Details

  • Location: Los Angeles, CA
  • Stolen at:  2018-06-14T05:00:00-0500

Description of incident

I sat down in front of a friend's building for a few minutes, I was distracted for a few seconds and the bike was snached. The money for my new apartment was inside a Skittles wrapper, $4000+/-. This one incident started a chain reaction that left me homeless.

Additional parts

  • Stem comp ()
  • Rack explorer mtx ()

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