by Craig Dalton
Topics: Bike Life
Topics: Bike Life
Good morning 2019. My name is Craig Dalton and I am the new Executive Director of Bike Index.
You may wonder: what does the Executive Director of a nonprofit like Bike Index do? I joined early this year in this new position for Bike Index. My goal is growing Bike Index so that we can offer registration and recovery tools to an exponential number of cyclists and cycling organizations - more bike shops, more cities, more universities, advocacy groups, and police departments. With minimal resources, the Bike Index team and community has achieved some amazing milestones. 2019 is about using those fundamental building blocks to launch a global movement.
As a 501(3)(c) nonprofit, our operations are largely funded by donations and our activities are largely advanced by volunteers. Beyond our partnerships, these are two areas we plan to focus on. You will see me ask specifically for your help and contributions in 2019. Scary I know.
Actually, we’ve found that it's not so scary at all. Did you know that a lot of our volunteer needs can be completed in less than 15 minutes? Did you know that many of our contributions are in the 10$-$20 dollar range? Our asks will be small because your local bicycling world is small. We simply need help spreading the word and experience has shown that when YOU start talking to your local shop, police or advocacy group, things start to happen.
The beautiful thing about what we do is that it makes sense. Bicycle registration helps reduce theft. Bike Index’s recovery tools help people get their bikes back.
I’ll leave you with that for now as you’ll be hearing more from me in the months to come.
For those of you who have contributed to the project to date: I salute you. For those of you waiting in the wings to help out: We will be talking to you soon.
PS -- If you can’t wait to start contributing more, here is a quick link to our tax-free donation page. :)