Our September 2015 bike recoveries

September was a busy month here at the Bike Index - we recovered 34 bikes - 32 of which are detailed here.

So, yes - this writeup's a little overdue - we were busy hustling to help get all these bikes back to their owners.

A couple highlights from September:

  • A stolen bike leads to an arrest - and hundreds of other stolen items
  • A stolen bike is returned thanks to its DEATH TO BIKE THIEVES! sticker
  • An online community spots a gorgeous stolen Rivendell for sale online - which is then recovered
  • Portland Police are returning a significant number of bikes through Bike Index - eleven PPB recoveries in September

Sadly, less than half of the recoveries listed here made a donation to the Bike Index, so we could still use your help and support to keep our efforts running - please see this article for how you can help support us in our fight against bike theft :)

2011 GT Bicycles avalanche
Finally got the bike out of the PPB property room - thanks for all you guys for having this service!
2011 GT Bicycles avalanche Recovered: 09/02/2015
The bike was dumped a block and a half from where it was stolen, likely because it had no pedals on it. The residents of the house where it was dumped found the serial number here, and called me.
LeMond Racing Cycles tourmalet Recovered: 09/02/2015
2006 Gary Fisher Utopia
An apartment manager noticed a dodgy resident using it so he looked up the serial, which brought up this site - Bike Index. He contacted me about it and I went around to pick it up. Thanks!
2006 Gary Fisher Utopia Recovered: 09/03/2015
Specialized Spec Roubaix Elite SL2
Found for sale online, recovered by Portland Police Bureau
Specialized Spec Roubaix Elite SL2 Recovered: 09/04/2015
Raleigh M80
An officer from SPD North Precinct saw the description on your site and just happened to spot my bike a short time later. Less than 12 hours after it was stolen. Yes, yes you helped!!!!
Raleigh M80 Recovered: 09/05/2015
Diamondback Voyager 2
Posted online, bought by unsuspecting buyer, frame returned to owner via Bike Index
Diamondback Voyager 2 Recovered: 09/09/2015
Bianchi Vilano
Recovered by SPD - 'delivered to owner thanks to Bike Index'
Bianchi Vilano Recovered: 09/09/2015
2007 Raleigh XXIX
I'm glad I registered my bicycle with Bike Index - the officer went straight there when he saw my "Death to Bike Thieves" sticker that I got after my Raleigh was stolen the first time. I covered it on Instagram! Please feel free to share my story!
2007 Raleigh XXIX Recovered: 09/10/2015
2012 Cannondale Synapse 5
SFPD recovered it from some drug addicts who were preparing it for sale. Thanks, Bike Index for publicizing the theft!
2012 Cannondale Synapse 5 Recovered: 09/11/2015
Rivendell Bicycle Works Saluki
This gorgeous Rivendell was spotted for sale online (Ebay, natch) by a number of riders and online spotters who instantly recognized it from its Bike Index listing. The 'RBW Owners Bunch' group in particular were all over it - I received a half dozen emails from their members within about 15 minutes. The owner was able to engage police and get the bike recovered from the pawn shop that had listed it for sale.
Rivendell Bicycle Works Saluki Recovered: 09/12/2015
2015 WorkCycles Opa Dutch Style
A random stranger found the bike abandoned in a park a few miles away from where it had been stolen. He was able to identify it as mine from the picture I posted on Bike Index. Thank you!
2015 WorkCycles Opa Dutch Style Recovered: 09/12/2015
 2011 Fuji Cross 3.0
Bike Index emailed me about a Craigslist ad matching my stolen bike and I set up a meet with the person. I met (the seller) and ... verified the serial number. I told him when and how I lost the bike, showed him the police report, and produced my ID. He took pictures of both ... and called the police - understandably, since he said he bought it off a pawn shop for $600. We spoke to an officer who said that since this is a friendly encounter and he wasn't there, he could not recommend just giving me the bike. 'Unless I could produce a receipt and then the best course of action is to do this at the police station.' I didn't have my receipt, but I bought it from Performance Bike in Lincoln Park, so I just called them and they verified that I bought this bike there and emailed me the screenshot of the record. The seller was satisfied and gave me my bike back.
2011 Fuji Cross 3.0 Recovered: 09/13/2015
2009 Trek 520
2009 Trek 520 Recovered: 09/14/2015
2007 WorkCycles Umafiets
I got a call from someone who found it outside their place of business. It was a different location that I remember locking it. It had only the rear wheel lock locked... The chain lock was sitting in the panniers. It's possible someone tried to walk away with it then reconsidered.
2007 WorkCycles Umafiets Recovered: 09/15/2015
2014 SCOTT Subspeed
Recovered by Portland Police Bureau officers, details unknown.
2014 SCOTT Subspeed Recovered: 09/15/2015
Gary Fisher Triton SO
Another bike recovered by Portland Police Bureau officers.
Gary Fisher Triton SO Recovered: 09/15/2015
2013 Trek 1.2 H2
... aaaand yet another bike recovered by Portland Police Bureau officers.
2013 Trek 1.2 H2 Recovered: 09/15/2015
2014 Novara Buzz
A neighbor found it listed here and then emailed me.
2014 Novara Buzz Recovered: 09/18/2015
Bianchi Eros
I have it! It was saved by a neighbor on NW northrup it was just on the ground unlocked - the thief must have gotten spooked. THANKS SO MUCH for having this site. Without it I am certain I would not have my bike back. Thanks again You do good things! -- Bike Index notes this bike was found with no photo or serial number, which is rare.
Bianchi Eros Recovered: 09/19/2015
Another Portland Police recovery, even without a serial number. Notice a trend here?
Trek Recovered: 09/23/2015
2014 Salsa Fargo 2
"I have your bike and it's safe. I bought it off a guy in front of the Madrona Grocery Outlet for $150 ... Was hoping it was legit, but the price was too good to be true, so I have been searching the web to see if it was stolen. Checked the serial number and it's definitely your bike. Nice bike by the way."
2014 Salsa Fargo 2 Recovered: 09/23/2015
2012 Haro Flightline One
A King County Sheriff's Officer spotted 2 people walking with my bike in downtown Seattle! She recognized it from my recent listing on Bike Index.org so she confronted the couple and confiscated my bike from them.
2012 Haro Flightline One Recovered: 09/23/2015
Empella Bonfire
Reported by someone who noticed a homeless person with it, checked Bike Index & gave me a call. We reported to the police a bunch of stolen bikes & parts in the same area as my bike was recovered: just south of Goodwill on Dearborn.
Empella Bonfire Recovered: 09/26/2015
Appolo sport 10
Recovered via social media, the fact that I had photos, the distinguishing salmon colored back break pads, and pure luck! I am so happy, and can't thank everyone enough. Such an amazing support system for those with stolen bikes! Sending good vibes to those still searching.
Appolo sport 10 Recovered: 09/27/2015
Kuota Kharma
Likley the most epic Bike Index recovery yet: On September 28th, after *nine months* of chasing this bike, this Kuota Kharma was recovered in a robbery bust by Portland Police. This was stolen back in February - taken in a home break-in. One of our spotters discovered it for sale (on Offerupnow.com) this summer, and the owner engaged Portland Police for months to track it down. PPB eventually raided the sellers home and two storage units, recovering over 300 stolen items and making an arrest. The amount of seized goods was so large, Portland Police posted the items to their Facebook page to aid in identification. This arrest was covered in several places, including BikePortland.org, Portland Police, KATU, and others.
Kuota Kharma Recovered: 09/28/2015
2014 Trek FX 7.2
Another recovery by Portland Police Bureau.
2014 Trek FX 7.2 Recovered: 09/28/2015
Custom blender bike
Someone spotted this very, ah, oddly configured cargobike stashed behind their apartment building and got in touch. Even though it wasn't listed in the Bike Index, I rode over on my lunch break and quickly ID'd it as a cargobike/blender combination build from Toms Cargo Bikes in Portland OR. BikePortland.org got in touch with the owner and found that someone had stolen it from a homeless youth outreach program run by 'Outside In' - a non-profit based in downtown Portland. That's pretty low - and needless to say, we had the person who found it slap a couple of locks on it until it was recovered. BikePortland covered this in "Community helps recover stolen cargo bike used in homeless youth outreach program".
Custom blender bike Recovered: 09/29/2015
Another Portland Police Bureau recovery!
2007 Cannondale System 6 Recovered: 09/29/2015
2007 Cannondale System 6
Another Portland Police Bureau recovery!
2007 Cannondale System 6 Recovered: 09/29/2015
2004 Trek 3700
Another Portland Police Bureau recovery!
2004 Trek 3700 Recovered: 09/29/2015
2013 Specialized Vita
"IT WAS OUR BIIIIIIIKKKKKEEEE!!!!! Officer Scott is DA BOMB DIGGITY!!!!" - Yes, this another Portland Police Bureau recovery!
2013 Specialized Vita Recovered: 09/29/2015

And that's a wrap!