Recovery Stories

SPD found it! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Katherine Bike recovered 2022.9.27

One of the mods on the Stolen Bikes Edmonton FB group alerted me to a fishy ad on FB marketplace. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Cyrus Bike recovered 2022.9.23

Trek Bike Shop in Maple Ridge BC was able to find my stolen mountain bike add on Bike Index. Contact the local authorities and made contact with me that they had found it!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Damon Bike recovered 2022.9.23

The folks at Bike Index identified this bike being sold locally 8 months after it was stolen. I contacted the person, confronted them safely, and recovered my bike. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Brandon Bike recovered 2022.9.23

Edmonton Police found this at a local pawnshop. They checked Bike Index and confirmed it was stolen. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Robert Bike recovered 2022.9.21

EPS found it with a partnership with Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Robert Bike recovered 2022.9.21

A police officer recovered it in a storage shed. Located the Serial Number on the bike and linked that to our posting on We picked up the bicycle from the police officer almost a year after it was stolen. Thanks for the assist BikeIndex! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike matt Bike recovered 2022.9.21

Someone recognized it off of Facebook stolen bikes page and found my number from Bike Index. They gave me a call and I rushed over and the police helped me recover it. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Alex Bike recovered 2022.9.20

Edmonton police found it in a Uhaul truck along with other stolen goods translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Derrick Bike recovered 2022.9.18

I was contacted by some guy (4 years later!) saying he'd purchased my bike about 15 miles from where it was stolen. And he found me through Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike greenstick Bike recovered 2022.9.18

I got a call from the police. A quick witted neighbour saw someone with the bicycle and took a picture of the person and the bicycle. The person ditched the bike and ran. The neighbor called the police. I recovered it from the police station. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Richard Bike recovered 2022.9.16

Listed on Kijiii for sale … a buyer with a keen eye (and a due diligence process that included checking was able to point me in the right direction. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Casimir Bike recovered 2022.9.16

A neighbor found it in the bushes and found the serial number on Bike Index and contacted me. Amazing! Thank you, Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Diane Bike recovered 2022.9.16

Someone found the bike abandoned, looked it up on Bike Index and returned it to me translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Alex Bike recovered 2022.9.14

Someone tried to sell the bike to a Play It Again Sports. I had been in contact with them, and gave them the serial number and police report. They confiscated the bike and contacted me and local police. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Kirk Bike recovered 2022.9.14

CPS returned the bike to me one week later. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Shaun Bike recovered 2022.9.11

A bike shop owner reached out to me when he saw this bike for sale on Craigs List. Bike Index was the reason he found it and was critical to me getting my bike back! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Sarah Bike recovered 2022.9.11

An officer was browsing Facebook Marketplace, and came across my bike being sold for a suspiciously low price, and matched the bike to Bike Index. The police were able to successfully recover the bike. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Ross Bike recovered 2022.9.10

Brian at Bike Index helped massively! Not just with the logistics but with moral support too. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Sreecharan Bike recovered 2022.9.9

With the help of BART, we were able to set up a meetup with the perp and have SPD on standby. Perp took off on the bike but was eventually caught and the bike recovered. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Sreecharan Bike recovered 2022.9.9

Police found it across the city and looked up Bike Index! Returned to me within 20 minutes of them finding it! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Kacey Bike recovered 2022.9.8

Edmonton Police Service recovered this bike. Made my day. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Korina Bike recovered 2022.9.7

Police recovered the bike after the person decided to dump it. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Russell Bike recovered 2022.9.7

Police took down a suspect for a different reason and looked up the bike to find that he was in possession of a stolen bike and then contacted me. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Alfred Bike recovered 2022.9.4

Golden police department recovered stolen frame and searched the serial translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Jon Bike recovered 2022.9.3

Someone found it, and checked the serial number. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Alison Bike recovered 2022.9.2

A very kind person with the Bike Recovery Action Team in Seattle helped work with the police to recover the bike! What amazing people!!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Chris Bike recovered 2022.9.1

A sharp-eyed friend saw it and the police recovered it and delivered it to me. Thank you Bike Index, I think having the clarity of my ownership here on this registry made it easier for the transaction to take place via the police. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Vikki Bike recovered 2022.8.31

Police found it in a pawn shop and searched on Bike Index translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Evan Bike recovered 2022.8.31

The bike was abandoned nearby in a the driveway of a local bike mechanic. After several days he gave it a tune and listed it on Craigslist, he realized he should check Bike Index, where he contacted me to give it back. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Kelly Bike recovered 2022.8.30

Someone found it for sale in a pawn shop in Red Deer and used Bike Index to identify it as stolen. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Amy Bike recovered 2022.8.30

Someone bought it on Offer Up and checked the serial number translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Sp Bike recovered 2022.8.28

Thanks to United Sport & Cycle in Edmonton, a person brought it in to ask how much it was worth with a bogus story. Quick thinking employees checked bike index and noticed it was stolen and kept it. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Bob Bike recovered 2022.8.26

Recovered with help from stolen bike facebook page and Bike Index translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Britta Bike recovered 2022.8.26

Bike shop ran the serial number when it was brought in for a service. The bike shop was able to tell it was stolen and called me. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Allen Bike recovered 2022.8.25

The police found this bike, ran the serial numbers on the stolen bikes, and gave me a call this morning. Thank you Bike Index for providing a comprehensive set of steps to help bike recovery chances! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Nate Bike recovered 2022.8.25

It was found downtown, the police then identified it via Bike Index and returned it to me. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Holly Bike recovered 2022.8.25

Police recovered it while an unrelated arrest was being made. They looked on Bike Index for any info and saw it was marked Stolen. Thank you so much for this site! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Susan Bike recovered 2022.8.24

Returned by EPS! Amazing, this worked out so well! I got the bike back within 24 hours of knowing it was stolen. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Bhavnish Bike recovered 2022.8.23

Calgary Police found bicycle, reported abandoned at an Air B&B. Called it in and then called me, because it was flagged on Bike Index. Awesome! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Phillip Bike recovered 2022.8.23

The Edmonton Police recovered it from a pawn shop translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Courtney Bike recovered 2022.8.23

A constable retrieved my bike, he is really good at his job and The bike was returned! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Peter Bike recovered 2022.8.22

Calgary Police District 1, Mountain Bike Team 1, arrested the a guy riding it and returned it to me. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Neil Bike recovered 2022.8.21

RTD Security in Denver follows Bike Index they saw my stolen post and later saw someone with the bike. They recovered it, called me and returned it to me less than 12 hours after it was stolen. Amazing Bike Index worked exactly as it was designed! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Chris Bike recovered 2022.8.20

Police recovered it and contacted me translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Don Bike recovered 2022.8.20

Tracked down the person that took it and recovered it translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Tristan Bike recovered 2022.8.19

Police found bike. Recovered in okay condition. So thankful to have it back. Minus a couple good scratches and in need of a tune up and wheel true. So happy, can’t thank everyone for keeping their eyes out and joined in on the search. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Todd Bike recovered 2022.8.19

It was listed on Craigslist and recovered by a member of the Bike Recovery Action Project (BRAT) in Seattle. It was an amazing collaboration of support from Bike Index, BRAT, and local bike shops. We are surprised ,and very grateful, to have it back. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Donna Bike recovered 2022.8.19

A couple weeks later a fellow Bike Index member saw the bike was up for sale again on Kijiji. I reported to police again, they were able to contact/identify the seller and recover the bike. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Geordie Bike recovered 2022.8.18

Hours after it was stolen I was called. The person told me he had my bike and found it on Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Joseph Bike recovered 2022.8.18