Recovered with help from stolen bike facebook page and Bike Index translated from English
Bike shop ran the serial number when it was brought in for a service. The bike shop was able to tell it was stolen and called me. translated from English
The police found this bike, ran the serial numbers on the stolen bikes, and gave me a call this morning. Thank you Bike Index for providing a comprehensive set of steps to help bike recovery chances! translated from English
It was found downtown, the police then identified it via Bike Index and returned it to me. translated from English
Police recovered it while an unrelated arrest was being made. They looked on Bike Index for any info and saw it was marked Stolen. Thank you so much for this site! translated from English
Returned by EPS! Amazing, this worked out so well! I got the bike back within 24 hours of knowing it was stolen. translated from English
Calgary Police found bicycle, reported abandoned at an Air B&B. Called it in and then called me, because it was flagged on Bike Index. Awesome! translated from English
The Edmonton Police recovered it from a pawn shop translated from English
A constable retrieved my bike, he is really good at his job and The bike was returned! translated from English
Calgary Police District 1, Mountain Bike Team 1, arrested the a guy riding it and returned it to me. translated from English
RTD Security in Denver follows Bike Index they saw my stolen post and later saw someone with the bike. They recovered it, called me and returned it to me less than 12 hours after it was stolen. Amazing Bike Index worked exactly as it was designed! translated from English
Police recovered it and contacted me translated from English
Tracked down the person that took it and recovered it translated from English
Police found bike. Recovered in okay condition. So thankful to have it back. Minus a couple good scratches and in need of a tune up and wheel true. So happy, can’t thank everyone for keeping their eyes out and joined in on the search. translated from English
It was listed on Craigslist and recovered by a member of the Bike Recovery Action Project (BRAT) in Seattle. It was an amazing collaboration of support from Bike Index, BRAT, and local bike shops. We are surprised ,and very grateful, to have it back. translated from English
A couple weeks later a fellow Bike Index member saw the bike was up for sale again on Kijiji. I reported to police again, they were able to contact/identify the seller and recover the bike. translated from English
Hours after it was stolen I was called. The person told me he had my bike and found it on Bike Index. translated from English
Local contact spotted the bike, police were contacted and investigated. Bike serial numbers verified my ownership. Bike index is a good place to have all this information handy if a bike is stolen. translated from English
It was abandoned on someone's backyard. He checked the serial number, this site and called me. So happy that this bike is recovered after 6 days. Thank you so much for all the help. translated from English
CPS recovered the bike and brought me the bike to my home address. Thanks CPS for all your hard work translated from English
Police recovered it and got it returned. translated from English
My bike was stolen from downtown and withIn two days CPS recovered my bike. I honestly don’t know how things would look like if we don’t have gallant officers like them patrolling the streets 24 hours a day. translated from English
The bike was recovered 👍🏻 CPS was amazing. translated from English
Found in a field in rural Oregon City. The property owner found it under a tarp and took it to Classic Cycle in Oregon City. They ran the serial number on Bike Index and returned it to me the next day. JOY! translated from English
Someone sent me text about an hour after I reported it stolen. They were going to buy, called to check if was stolen. translated from English
A good samaritan saw someone with it on the trail and persuaded the person who had it to release it to them. translated from English
A Constable with EPS recovered my bike because it was listed as stolen on Bike index. Thank you to all the people that assisted in the recovery of my Bike. Ride on!! translated from English
The bike got dumped near a commercial property after a flat and the workers spotted it. They checked Bike Index and notified me via email! translated from English
The police ran the serial number of the bike and it came back stolen from the police report I filed. The detective assigned to my case called me to let me know. I went down to the bike impound lot to pick it up and now I have it back!! translated from English
Police caught someone suspicious riding it. They checked the serial on Bike Index and it matched police report. translated from English
Thanks to this community we were able to find this bike on a Facebook ad. translated from English
CPS has contacted me as they found it couple of blocks away with an individual that was arrested. translated from English
This bike was being sold on Facebook marketplace. A Bike Index ambassador met the seller, verified it as stolen, and recovered it. Thanks for such an amazing service! translated from English
Police saw the bike, looked it up here, contacted me through Bike Index and returned it to me translated from English
I got extremely lucky. Someone found my bike dumped in front of their home. The homeowners called me after checking Bike Index and seeing my bike listed stolen. I am so grateful to have my bike back. translated from English
I posted this link to a facebook group dedicated to stolen bikes in my city. An officer phoned me at 5 pm to inform me she saw my post earlier in the morning in the group and noticed it was recovered when she came to work. translated from English
Someone found it on Facebook marketplace, confronted the seller, and brought it back to me! Amazing! translated from English
I am so happy that my bike is recovered after just one day! I don't know what to say, but I just want to say thank you for all the help and great favor! translated from English
Ad on Kijiji spotted by someone who saw stolen status on Bike Index. translated from English
Police officer created an 'abandoned bike' listing on Bike Index. Bike Index matched the serial number on their listing to my 'stolen' bike. I reached out and I was able to recover my bike fully intact! translated from English
Peace Officer recovered it and contacted me through Bike Index! translated from English
Good Samaritan saw bike as stolen on Bike Index and contacted me. translated from English
Good Samaritan saw the stolen bike on Bike Index and contacted me. translated from English
A good person found it tossed away, with flat tires and cut brake lines while they were out walking their dog. Few accessories were missing but in good condition! They were able to locate me as the owner through the serial number and contacted me via Bike Index! translated from English
Good Samaritan bought it from a flea market and returned it to authorities. translated from English
Portland Police found it and returned it to me. translated from English
Police contacted me once they recovered it! translated from English
Someone saw it listed on kijiji and checked Bike Index, notified me that it looked like mine, so I told the police, who went and recovered it! translated from English
Someone found it and brought it to the Edmonton Police. They contacted me for pick-up! translated from English
Police verified it on bike index. translated from English