How to use Bike Index QR stickers

Updated on 2021-10-08

Bike Index QR stickers link to your bike so that if someone finds it, they can scan it, pull up your Bike Index listing, and send you a message. Obtaining and linking a Bike Index QR sticker is super easy and provides an optional, beneficial layer of protection for your bike.

You might also be part of a university or other organization that uses Bike Index QR stickers as official registration decals. The sticker serves as a way for people to easily get in touch with you, but also is a deterrent to a thief that might be thinking about stealing your bike.

The stickers are weather and tamper-proof.

UC davis front
UC davis back

You can get Bike Index QR stickers from two sources:

If you receive a sticker from the Bike Index store, you can link the sticker yourself and you'll be good to go. Instructions for linking the sticker are on the back. Just open your phone's camera and hold it over the sticker. When a link pops up, follow it. Make sure you are logged in to Bike Index on your phone, and your bike list will pop up. Click 'link it' on the bike you'll put the sticker on.

If you get a sticker from an organization such as a bike shop, they might have already linked the sticker for you. If they haven't, the process for linking the sticker to your bike is the same. If your sticker has come from an organization, then linking the sticker to your bike will also add your bike to that organization on Bike Index so that it's easier for administrators of the organization to get in touch with you, such as if a law enforcement officer recovers your stolen bike.

You can also manually add your sticker number to your bike by going to your bike's edit page on Bike Index. Log in and navigate to your 'edit bikes' page. On the 'bike details' tab, scroll down and add your sticker number at the bottom. If this isn't visible, make sure your bike is added to the correct organization on Bike Index from the 'groups and organizations' tab. Once this is done, you'll see the option to add the sticker number on the bike details tab.

manual add

Check out this video to learn more about linking your QR sticker and adding your bike to an organization. It's for the University of Colorado, but it applies to all organizations with Bike Index QR stickers:
