Police recovered it and found me on Bike Index via the serial number. translated from English
A stranger saw it under an overpass, thought it looked sketchy/stolen. Checked Bike Index, saw my stolen bike listing and texted me the location! translated from English
Police saw it with a guy on the street, ran it through the Bike Index, collected it and returned it to me. translated from English
A wonderful couple happened to notice my post on Craigslist (and then on the Bike Index as well) and managed to buy it back! translated from English
Somebody tried to sell my bike in loan store, before buy it man from store checked bike on the Bike Index and found it stolen. Thief instantly disappeared and left the bike. Then man from store called me ask to pick it up. Thank you, Bike Index! translated from English
Police found it during a cleanup of a camp and looked up the serial number using Bike Index! I was so happy I cried when they called to tell me it had been found. translated from English
ID'd on the Bike Index and returned - even without a serial number on file! translated from English
Recovered by CCSO - ID'd in the Bike Index, found owners new email address, and got confirmation she got it back. translated from English
A second hand bike shop contacted me that they had a bike that looked similar to the one I had listed on the Bike Index. It was mine! translated from English
The Police found someone with it in the U-District and ID'd it using the Bike Index. They brought it back to my door! Huge shout out to UWPD! translated from English
A stranger named Zoe saw my bike on the street and thought it looked stolen. She haggled with the guy who had it and bought it from him for not much money. She looked up the bike on the Bike Index and found me!!! I'm thrilled. It's been chopped apart a bit but nothing I can't fix. translated from English
A kind hearted eBay user found the bike for sale online, did their homework and suspected it was a match with my listing on the Bike Index, though couldn't confirm the serial number as it wan't in the eBay listing. They alerted me and provided the listing # so I could follow up with the seller. The bike was being sold with a $200 shipping fee out of Baltimore, MD (where I live and where it was stolen from). I messaged the seller and arranged a meeting to see the bike, and brought proof of ownership (receipt from original purchase) and the Bike Index stolen bike listing. The serial number was a match! They told me they had purchased the bike on Craigslist 2 years prior (shortly after it was stolen), for $200, and they were sad but understanding that their purchase of the stolen bike was not a legal transfer of ownership... they gave it back to me and we exchanged info, in the event they're able to track down the person who sold it to them, who we suspect is or is connected to the thief. Aside from a few scratches and a tear in the seat, the bike is still in great condition. After 2 years apart, it feels so good to be reunited!!! translated from English
A kind soul found it on craigslist and went out of his way to return it to me when he saw my stolen bike report. I'm so appreciative! translated from English
Spotted by a friendly messenger who saw my posting here on the Bike Index. translated from English
It was first sold on offer up and then resold on eBay. The buyer on eBay googled the serial number and saw it on here as stolen, reached out to me, filed a claim with PayPal, got their money back and returned my bike via shipping. If it wasn't for being posted on Bike Index I wouldn't have gotten 1 lead much less 2. So grateful! translated from English
The Chicago Police Department recovered it from a local pawn shop. I picked it up on May 1 from the precinct. translated from English
Clackamas County Sherrifs office found this at a pawn shop in Clackamas county. Thanks guys!! I love when a stolen bike gets reunited with its owner! translated from English
CCSO Deputy found it via Bike Index! translated from English
Local laundromat owner noticed it in his establishment and checked the serial # and cut the lock and secured it for me. He's a hero in my book. We need more upstanding citizens like him. Can't believe the guy was riding it just blocks from where it was stolen. Thanks bike index, I'm a believer. translated from English
Police recovery: A sheriff apprehended the scumbag who stole my bicycle. He apparently was riding my Trek while stealing another Navaro bicycle. He is being prosecuted. I couldn't believe such a luck can happen. Please register with your local police & on Bike index. translated from English
Recovered by Oregon City Police & Clackamas Co Sheriffs Dept associated with an arrest of person who had other stolen property. translated from English
I was able to track down the thief and thanks to Craigslist, the Bike Index, the police and the wonderfully supportive bike community it was returned to me! translated from English
I had submitted a craigslist post to both lost + found and bikes. Three days later I got a call from a couple who said my bike was unlocked on a dock. After confirming some information I went over and it was indeed my bike! translated from English
User on the Bike Index recognized it on offerup from seller with multiple stolen bikes, with help from pdx bike thief division bike was recovered, but was destroyed by scumbags. translated from English
Police called yesterday. Said someone rode it up to the station and dropped it off. Officer was as bewildered as I am. I haven't been able to pick it up yet, but they said everything is there! Good News Story translated from English
I received a call from 'Way Cool Stuff' in Gresham. Someone attempted to sell this bike to them. Way Cool owner checked the Bike index and told the guy it was stolen, and his name did not match his fake/stolen Oregon drivers license. He ran our of the store very fast. No camera info unfortunately. An amazing win for the good guys in life! Thanks translated from English
Awesome Policeman Brad found it at a homeless shelter and delivered to me! translated from English
Police found it and contacted me via Bike Index translated from English
A very nice gentleman found my bike in his backyard and noticed that it was a very nice bike. After calling around and searching for ways to get in touch with the owner, he finally got in touch with you guys, Bike Index, and contacted me. He emailed me Sunday morning and by the afternoon I was drinking a beer with my newly found bike!! translated from English
Thieves returned to my home on the stolen bike. They were persuaded to return it. translated from English
It just so happens that the police recovered the bike the same day it was stolen. A good Samaritan, who saw what happened, alerted nearby police and the bike was recovered immediately. However, since I filed a police report with UCSF PD instead of SFPD it took a year for my bike to be returned. One year later, an SFPD officer looked up my bike on bike index and used the info on the site to find me. He contacted UCSF PD and they contacted me. Due to logistics and lack of direct contact with SFPD it took a really long time, but posting on the Bike Index really helped me get it back! Thanks! translated from English
I placed search emails in Craigslist and eBay to notify me when a bike matching the year make model showed up. I received a notification from eBay that a bike matching my description was for sale. I called the local police and they notified the boulder Colorado police. The boulder pd went to the consignment shop and seized the bike. I then reached out to the bike shop that consigned my bike. They actually retrieved it from the police station, packaged and shipped it. Two key points: get auto notifications set up early and have a specific search on your bike and a broad search. Remember: if you find your bike at a reputable bike shop, they will help you, they're on the owners' side. translated from English
Someone tweeted at Bike Index and we were put in touch! It was TWITTER MAGIC!!! translated from English
I thought this site was a long shot and I'd never see my bike again. Wow, was I wrong. An amazing guy who lived a few blocks away, B, saw my bike locked behind his apartment under some junk. He thought it looked out of place, so he called his brother who knows a decent bit about bikes. The brother searched on this site and saw it reported stolen. B. called me, I ran over, and it was indeed my bike! The thief locked my bike with a u-lock, and B. generously offered to buy a drill bit to remove it. Just as he returned, the thieves showed up in a van – they had come back to collect the bike! B. confronted them ... When the thief tried to escape, B. chased and tackled him until the police showed up. All in all – got my bike back, thief arrested – all thanks to this site and the local hero B. Amazing day. Thanks again! translated from English
Someone posted it on craigslist and a man called me because he was going to buy it and looked at the Bike Index before the purchase to ensure that it wasn't stolen. He called me to let me know he may have found my bike. translated from English
A Bike index user contacted me! translated from English
Recovered by Metro Transit Police. Thank you for your hard work tracking this down! translated from English
We posted notices and got a text from a guy at 11:30pm on Sat (4/1) night saying that he had seen the bike for sale. Long and short, 1.5 hrs and $300 later, we had 'bought' the bike back. Not ideal, but buying a new bike would have cost us a lot more. translated from English
5 years later- my husband happened to see a guy riding it and called the police! translated from English
I received a call from the Portland, OR evidence lockup saying they found my bike listed on Bike Index. translated from English
Neighbor found the bike in the woods across the highway, minus the rack adapter that was attached to it. translated from English
A fellow biker found it locked outside their apartment. It looked suspicious, so he looked it up on Bike Index. I met up and got it back :) A lot of my parts are missing, but I'm so glad to have it back. translated from English
My stolen bike was taken in to a local bike shop for maintenance and was recovered as it was registered on Bike Index. Thank you so much for providing this service and for collaborative effort with Cycle Portland. translated from English
Spotted it unlocked in front of bar after Twitter tip. translated from English
It was picked up by the Portland Police Bike Theft Task Force! translated from English
Jade from this website saw my bike and called the police for me! They confiscated it and called me from my police report! Amazing people all around! I will be downloading Twitter specifically to help with locating bikes! translated from English
An officer found it at a pawn shop. Thank you!!!! translated from English
Good samaritan notified me he bought the bike on Offer Up app. He looked it up on the Bike Index and contacted me. The bike was returned. translated from English
A guy purchased the bike off Craigslist but was told by his friend to check the Bike Index. He was honest enough to call me to return it. translated from English
Portland Police Officer found the frame in a homeless camp. So thankful to get it back!! translated from English