Somone phoned me directly after seeing the bike on facebook and then checking the bike index. I went to their house and got my bike back. translated from English
Police recovered it with help from Bike Index! translated from English
Police recovered it with help from Bike Index! translated from English
I saw a group of people outside of the local bottle depot. I told them I had an open police report and would like the bike back. I told them I have the serial number and would call the police if they didn't give it back. I also had an open Bike Index file I could show them. translated from English
Recovered by the Calgary Police Service, they contacted me through Bike Index! translated from English
I got it back with the amazing assistance of Bike Index, BRAT, and SABRE, especially Tracy. Amazing story--we got more than mine back! translated from English
Through the facebook group, I got a message that it was found abandoned 15miles away. translated from English
BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
BVT bike recovery group and Bike Index! translated from English
TV news story on BRAT caused finder to call Bike Index and in turn Bike Index called me for retrieval from finder. Thank you!! translated from English
Springfield Police department recovered it and checked the serial number against Bike Index! translated from English
Recovered thanks to Bike Index and the Calgary Police Service! translated from English
Someone posted it on the Burlington VT Bike Recovery Facebook group! translated from English
Found listed on Facebook Marketplace by a profile called "So'hood Allgood (Eddie Kane Jr)" who also has multiple other bike listings, which I suspect are also stolen. I went to confront him and was able to get the bike back. translated from English
Someone emailed me via Bike Index! translated from English
Local police found it and contacted me through Bike Index! translated from English
Police recovered it from the thief. translated from English
Tip from Bike Index user on a matching item for sale on Offerup led us to contact police for help with recovery. Thief was actually arrested. translated from English
The police found it, referenced Bike Index with the serial number and called me for pickup translated from English
Police arrested someone that was riding it and checked Bike Index for my contact info! translated from English
The community watch group found my bikes and posted it on Facebook. Members went and picked the bikes up and found my listing on Bike Index. So grateful! translated from English
The community watch group found my bikes and posted it on Facebook. Members went and picked the bikes up and found my listing on Bike Index. So grateful! translated from English
Peace Officers found the person who stole it and matched the serial number. translated from English
I was notified through Bike Index that it was for sale online. Met with the online seller to retrieve it, with help of the Bicycle Recovery Action Team volunteer group. translated from English
Edmonton Police found and returned my kids bike! Thank you constables!! translated from English
Shout out to the Trek Bicycle Redmond (WA) shop for checking the S/N against BikeIndex and noting it stolen. They called the Redmond PD immediately and the PD responded immediately because I had filed a stolen item report with picture and serial number. translated from English
Seattle Police Department recovered bike at a location with other stolen goods. That particular officer uses Bike Index to identify bikes in these situations. translated from English
OSU Police recovered the bike and contacted me thanks to Bike index. translated from English
Edmonton police found it. translated from English
Facebook Marketplace by way of the Stolen Bikes Edmonton and Surrounding Area Facebook group and the help of people contact me using Bike Index! translated from English
Through this amazing web site and taking advantage of the facebook promoted alerts, enough shops saw this bike and when it was brought in for service, it was recognized and held for me! translated from English
Contacted seller on FB Marketplace. Set up a meet to recover bike. translated from English
Police recovered my bike! translated from English
Calgary police service with assistance from Bike Index! translated from English
Calgary Police recovered the bike, apprehended the perpetrators, and processed them accordingly. Through linking the Bike Index and the police report, CPS was able to successfully process the perpetrators. translated from English
Calgary Police recovered the bike! translated from English
The police found it at a known location. No other details provided. Bike was in perfect condition when returned. translated from English
The fire fighters at Calgary Fire Station 10 found my bike! translated from English
Local neighbor found bike in bushes and saw it listed as stolen on Bike Index returned it same day. translated from English
The Burlington Police Department located the bike and contacted me via BikeIndex. translated from English
BVT Bike Recovery Group and Bike Index! translated from English
BVT Bike Recovery Group and Bike Index! translated from English