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Recovered with Bike Index help after going from OU to a pawn shop. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Jaime Bike hersteld 2016.9.3

The cops recovered it with Bike Index assistance. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Sampson Bike hersteld 2016.9.3

An observer saw my bicycle through Bike Index and called the Portland Bureau of Police, who made the arrest and released my bicycle to me! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike James Bike hersteld 2016.9.2

Gents from Abraham's Fixes Bikes in Portland saw it, threw a lock on it, and called the police. The thief, upon discovery of the lock, took the front wheel and jetted. Bike Index and great bike folks in Portland do it again! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Tim Bike hersteld 2016.9.1

Thank you so much Joe and Bike Index! Joe saw a sketchy add on OfferUp, checked on Bike Index and contacted me. We set up a buy and got the cops. I got my Bessie bike back!! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Jon Bike hersteld 2016.8.31

A person bought the bike from someone on the street and then checked Bike Index to see if it was a stolen bike. We had registered the bike and so he found it and contacted us. On Monday morning we were lamenting the loss of the bike. By Tuesday evening we had the bike back and were grateful for our good Samaritan and for Bike Index. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Jason Bike hersteld 2016.8.24

Seattle Police found it on Bike Index and called me. Big kudos to them! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Robbins Bike hersteld 2016.8.24

The Vancouver police department found it then searched it on Bike Index. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Kamila Bike hersteld 2016.8.17

Get a text from someone who saw Bike Index post. Went to location, @Best Buy/Division and called cops. Thanks to the community and Bike Index!! Teamwork!! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Stephanie Cargo Bike (Front Storage) hersteld 2016.8.16

Auburn, WA Police Dept tracked it down to a Pawn Shop in Seattle, then found it listed on Bike Index vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Jeff Bike hersteld 2016.8.10

A person within 2 blocks found my bike after another bike theft. Looked up the bike on the Bike Index and got my contact info! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Zachary Bike hersteld 2016.8.4

A man named Tim purchased my stolen bike from a woman (thief) on Craigslist. Tim googled the serial number to purchase parts (since the thieves damaged my bike) and noticed through the Bike Index that it was stolen. He contacted me and returned it. A true good samaritan to whom I'm forever grateful. An amazing, amazing incredible story that showcases the goodness of humanity! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Andrea Bike hersteld 2016.8.3

Local bike shop ICS. Recognized bike from Bike Index listing and gave me a call. Customer wanted to change the tires!! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Denham Bike hersteld 2016.8.2

Recovered by University of Washington Police Dept using Bike Index. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Erin Bike hersteld 2016.8.1

Portland Police Bureau Bike Theft Task Force found it on July 30 2016, a little more than three months after it was stolen. Many thanks to the officer who helped me out! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Ben Bike hersteld 2016.8.1

Bike was found with assistance from a Bike Index user, vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Trevor Bike hersteld 2016.8.1

Someone found it in the an alley and got it back to me using Bike Index! Thank you! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Karl Bike hersteld 2016.7.27

Recovered thanks to the Bike Index! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Paul Bike hersteld 2016.7.25

A good Samaritan saw the bike for sale in a local park. Once home, he found my posting on Bike Index. He spent the rest of the week tracking the bike down with the help of a friend of his who is homeless and knew the people who had it. He was eventually able to buy it back for a fraction of its value, and returned it to me. I'm thrilled! Wouldn't have happened without Bike Index. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Ted Bike hersteld 2016.7.23

Bike was returned with the help of the Bike Index! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Bryan Bike hersteld 2016.7.20

Bike was recovered with the help of the Bike Index, and the San Francisco Police Department! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Damien Bike hersteld 2016.7.20

Recovered thanks to Bike Index! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Christopher Bike hersteld 2016.7.15

A third party discovered it and contacted me through the Bike Index. Not all of the bicycle was returned, but I did get the frame, fork, bb, brakes and front hub. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Clyde Bike hersteld 2016.7.14

An awesome SF police officer had seen my bike on bike index, and then spotted it a few days later and recovered it! He called me to let me know, and it really made my day. Thanks so much for creating the Bike Index! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Clinton Bike hersteld 2016.7.13

Police found it in a homeless camp in poor shape, disassembled with missing pieces. They matched the serial number from the Bike Index and brought it straight to me. Now I have a project to work on. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Benjamin Bike hersteld 2016.7.12

A very nice woman ran the serial number on this site and contacted me! Thank You so much, this is my favorite bike and I have it back! You people are awesome! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Steven Bike hersteld 2016.7.8

The person who had the bike discovered it on the Bike Index contacted me, and returned it. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Paul Bike hersteld 2016.6.22

Person who had bike discovered it on the Bike Index, contacted me, and returned it. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Paul Bike hersteld 2016.6.22

According to the person who returned it, he was approached by someone in a parking lot who offered to sell him the bike for $300. He ended up buying it from the guy for $100, then searched it on the Bike Index and found that it was stolen. He then contacted me to pick it up. I paid him the $100 that he spent getting it back. Big thank you to bike index. As I see it, one of two things happenned here. Either the thief was unable to sell it because of it's presence on Bike Index, or the honest person discovered its status as tolen on Bike Index. Either way, I haver no doubt that I would not have ever seen my bike again without Bike Index. Thank you very much. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Louis Bike hersteld 2016.6.18

Someone tried to sell it at Capital Loans. The pawn shop ran the serial through Bike Index and it matched mine. They held on to it while the person that brought it in dashed out the store. Ian at Capital Loans called my number and let me know they have my bicycle. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike John Bike hersteld 2016.6.17

Pawn shop looked up serial number on Bike Index and contacted me. So awesome! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Michael Bike hersteld 2016.6.15

Received text from person with picture of bike and location thanks to the Bike Index. Went to location and bike was there. Called police and they came and got some other bikes too. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Ben Bike hersteld 2016.6.13

The San Francisco Police Department contacted me through the Bike Index to tell me that they recovered it. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Pat Bike hersteld 2016.6.12

Milwaukee Police Dept Officer called me about his investigation of car theft. This thief was arrested while a car. Then officers found my bike in the car. They linked the bike to me by using the Bike Index. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Nobu Bike hersteld 2016.6.10

Found at Laney (Oakland) by 3rd party who connected it to serial on the Bike Index. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Jeremy Bike hersteld 2016.6.7

Metro Sheriffs recovered the bike in downtown Seattle and returned it to me on 6/2! I think they saw it on the Bike Index before the police report, at least one of the cops mentioned the Bike Index in passing. A local pawn shop employee also said he saw my bike on the Bike Index (I went in to ask around and give him a photo of my bike). vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Bry Bike hersteld 2016.6.3

I was contacted by a friend of a friend that found it via the Bike Index. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Rich Bike hersteld 2016.5.22

I received my bike from the local police department after they contacted me on the Bike Index. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Ivan Bike hersteld 2016.5.20

Someone bought it at the San Jose flea market and checked the Bike Index! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Louisa Bike hersteld 2016.5.16

Calgary Police Serviced contacted me through the Bike Index that they had my bike. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Carlos Bike hersteld 2016.5.5

Thank you, Bike Index. Because one of your followers the police were able to ID one of the crooks in the photo supplied by your followers. They tracked him down and made the arrest. Thanks again Bike Index. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Tim Bike hersteld 2016.5.5

Recovered thanks to Bike Index. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Keegan Bike hersteld 2016.5.3

A guy bought it at the San Jose flea market for a great deal. He looked it up on Bike Index and found me, although the serial number had been covered up, and some parts replaced. I paid him back for it, and it's nice to have my bike home. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Anna Bike hersteld 2016.5.1

Gresham Bicycle Center had it brought in for repairs, thanks Bike Index. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Samantha Bike hersteld 2016.4.30

My bike was discovered by Trader Joe's employee nearby the location it was stolen. It was stashed outside the store with the front tire removed and locked to the back (with my same U-Lock!). The employee thought it looked suspicious because it was not locked to a bike rack, so he checked the Bike Index for a match, gave me a call, and the rest is history. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Kevin Bike hersteld 2016.4.27

A man purchased my bike from the San Jose flea market for his girlfriend. He believed the deal he got was too good to be true, so he looked up Stolen Giant Invite and my Bike Index post came up. He called me up to tell me the good news! Thanks, Bike Index!!! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Renee Bike hersteld 2016.4.24

Person that took it responded and delivered. Thought bike was trash since I hid it in the dumpster bay while at work. I forgot my keys. Thanks, Bike Index, for helping the finder get in touch with me. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Marcus Bike hersteld 2016.4.24

Bike located by honest citizen and returned to me. Thanks, Bike Index! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Baboone Bike hersteld 2016.4.24

Someone on Bike Index emailed me via my contact info listed here. Success! vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Jeremy Bike hersteld 2016.4.22

A good samaritan, just moved to New Orleans and purchased bike but was not comfortable with the seller or sale so she searched for the bike on Bike Index and contacted Stolen Bikes Nola to find the owner. vertaald uit het Engels

Photo of recovered bike Stolen Bikes NOLA Bike hersteld 2016.4.22