Recovery Stories

Was left abandoned on a Metro Bus. I was contacted through the Bike Index by the King County Surplus department. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Brad Bike recovered 2018.7.17

Someone purchased the bike on Craigslist and looked up the serial number on the Bike Index and was able to return it to me! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Ryan Bike recovered 2018.7.14

Found by Bryan with the Bike Index on Offer Up! Contacted the seller to schedule a time to meet up and 'by the bike'. Met up, confirmed it was mine by the serial number and it was returned with the help of the Portland Police! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Megan Bike recovered 2018.7.11

Local bike shop had the bike in for repairs and searched for the serial number on the Bike Index. Bike showed up as stolen and LBS called me to return the bike!!!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Jacob Bike recovered 2018.7.9

I got a call from somebody who saw my posting on the Bike Index. He said that he saw my bike behind his building across town. He sent me the location & I went and sure enough, it was mine. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Gabe Bike recovered 2018.7.9

ID'd at Pawn shop via the Bike Index translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Candice Bike recovered 2018.7.9

Listed for sale on Offerup, spotted by a Bike Index user, and recovered by police. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Peggy Bike recovered 2018.7.8

Recovered by Portland Police property division 5 years after it was stolen, and ID'd in the Bike Index. Thanks a bunch! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Bryan Bike recovered 2018.7.8

The thief took it to Kenton cycle repair and the owner saw it was registered with the Bike Index and bought it off the guy. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Janique Bike recovered 2018.7.6

Thanks to an anonymous tip as a result of my post on the Bike Index I was able to track the guy down and get my bike back. Proves that there are good people left in the world. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Erin Bike recovered 2018.7.5

Bike Index user saw two kids with my bike and went well out of his way to recover it. A total miracle. I will definitely be donating to the Bike Index!! I'm sitting here having a beer and staring at my bike in total disbelief. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Zachary Bike recovered 2018.6.30

Bike was seized by the Portland Police Bureau, who then contacted me via Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Ryan Bike recovered 2018.6.28

Local police found the bike within the area from which it was stolen and, after checking the Bike Index, contacted me to confirm that the theft. The Bike Index in conjunction with local police were the reasons I recovered my bike! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Levi Bike recovered 2018.6.26

Somebody found it partially stripped about half a mile from my home. He found a number of frames after listing them in Craig’s list, later checked the Bike Index. Contacted me and was willing to return for free. Bike was missing headset, stem and wheel set. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Elias Bike recovered 2018.6.22

Aaron Todd, Owner of Downtown Bike in Puyallup, Washington checked a suspicious bike on Bike Index and found that it had been stolen. The police and Aaron called to let me know they had recovered it from the buyer who said he had purchased the bike at a bike swap. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Ron Bike recovered 2018.6.21

It was turned into a local bike shop. Pretty sure the thief was hoping to get something for it and got spooked into making up a story about finding it in a dumpster. Anyhow, I feel extremely fortunate and can't thank Bryan from the Bike Index enough! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Ryan Bike recovered 2018.6.14

Owner and Bike Index with SFPD made connections, Owner came by my house and got it! Nice work and a good ending to part of my loss. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Garry Bike recovered 2018.6.5

Snohomish county sheriff’s office raided a location in north Arlington, this bike was recovered along with other stolen property. Detectives did a search and landed on this website showing the bike as stolen. My bike would not have been returned to me if it hadn’t been registered on the Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Henry Bike recovered 2018.5.22

A kind stranger found the stripped frame in some bushes, and thought to look up the serial on Bike Index. Not much left worth saving, but now I don't have to wonder where it is! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Katie Bike recovered 2018.5.20

Officer Randle (SPD) saw my bike abandoned and locked with some other homeless person's belongings in front of the public library and contacted me through Bike Index. I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT MY BIKE BACK!!!!!!!!! Hallelujah! Thank you Bike Index and Office Randle! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike John Bike recovered 2018.5.17

A very kind person bought the bike from who may have been the thief, found the listing on the Bike Index, and returned the bike to me. I'm extremely thankful. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Tom Fucoloro Bike recovered 2018.5.16

Someone purchased an abandoned storage unit with my bike inside, found the bike on Bike Index, and contacted me. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Steven Bike recovered 2018.5.16

A citizen spotted the bike with somebody who clearly didn't know what they had, purchased the bike from them for a small amount of money, and then attempted to locate the owner via a Facebook group. A member of that group linked to my Bike Index report. Happiness ensued! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Tim Bike recovered 2018.5.15

Found at Discovery Park, finder looked it up on the Bike Index and returned it. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Dalton Bike recovered 2018.5.15

Police Department found it with a homeless guy they arrested then called me when they found the serial number and searched it through the Bike Index database. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Mohamed Bike recovered 2018.5.9

Found by PPB and ID'd in the Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Bryan Bike recovered 2018.5.8

Someone very honest bought it and contacted me as soon as he found out it was stolen. A bike shop inform him that the bike was stolen using the Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Alejandro Bike recovered 2018.5.7

I woke up to tons of text messages and emails from people in the Bike Index community that had spotted it on both Offerup and Craigslist. I was able to ID the bike from the photos posted as they included my rear rack, pedals, and the scuff on the front stem that was from damage I had caused. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Megan Bike recovered 2018.5.3

I was contacted by someone at the Bike Index. They indicated that someone had noticed a bike similar to mine for sale on OfferUp. Someone had posted the ad and their suspension of the match to a NW stolen bikes Facebook group. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Tim Bike recovered 2018.4.29

Someone found it for sale online and checked the Bike Index, and sent me an email! I was so glad to get it back! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Courtnay Bike recovered 2018.4.22

Good News! My bike has been found!!!! Over in Northeast Portland probably 5+miles from my house, someone found it stashed in an alley. He searched stolen bikes and found my listing with the Bike Index!!!! Thank you thank you! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Scott Bike recovered 2018.4.20

The person who found my bike contacted me via Bike Index! Thanks for helping me recover my mountain bike I never thought I’d see again! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Julia Bike recovered 2018.4.17

Big shout out to the Bike Index and the Vancouver WA Police Department! Went undercover to 'buy it.' translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Ryan Bike recovered 2018.4.12

I received a text message from a local bike shop owner that he found the bike. Some details about the bike looked suspicious to him, and he found my entry for the bike here on the Bike Index. He contacted me, and I came and picked it up! Bike Index is amazing! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Juliayn Bike recovered 2018.4.10

In an unbelievable and amazing turn of events, a couple of bike index good Samaritans spotted my bike downtown, called 9-1-1, and the King Co Transit Police recovered the bike. It was relatively unscathed and in good shape. What a great community to tap into here on the Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike David Bike recovered 2018.4.9

Found by SF/SFGOV city employees and matched in the Bike Index. "It was recovered last year by the SFPD in another case. " translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Dan Bike recovered 2018.4.8

Pawn shop found it on the Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Colin Summers Bike recovered 2018.4.8

Bike thief ditched the bike in someone's yard a couple houses down and good Samaritan grabbed it and started combing Craigslist and the Bike Index. Guy called me at work today and dropped my bike off a couple hours later. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Donovan Bike recovered 2018.4.6

Good Samaritan found it and matched it to our Bike Index post. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Joanna Bike recovered 2018.3.29

Diligent Bike Index members hit me up with a recent Craigslist ad about the bike-- I was able to contact the seller, organize a time to meet, and SFPD was able to conduct a sting to get the bike back. I'm overjoyed. Thank you Bike Index!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Gordon Bike recovered 2018.3.28

Found by PPB and ID'd in the Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Amy Bike recovered 2018.3.26

Through Bike Index!!! Thank you. Someone checked the serial number on Bike Index, and got in touch with me. It was returned the next day. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike rachel Leising Bike recovered 2018.3.26

Found 2 years after theft, ID'd ny a shop via the Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Danny Bike recovered 2018.3.25

Seattle MTA police found the bike, ran the SN on the Bike Index, and reclaimed it for me! Bike found at 1st Ave S and 99 in SoDo. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Andrew Bike recovered 2018.3.22

I got a phone call, email and text message from a police officer and Bike Index on March 18th 2018. I don't know how they found it. It was definitely my bike. Really appreciate the Police officer who works for stolen bikes and Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Izumi Bike recovered 2018.3.19

After I posted this stolen bike on the Bike Index, a good Samaritan found the bike in a neighbors back yard, and he somehow found my listing on the Bike Index, emailed me, and we arranged for me to pick it up! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Shannon Bike recovered 2018.3.12

It was found in the neighborhood by someone who quickly recognized that it looked out of place and was stolen. He took it in for safekeeping and checked Bike Index, finding my entry. Thank you! We never would have gotten it back without Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Andrew M Bike recovered 2018.3.7

Bike was found in the REI parking garage. Employees looked up the serial and found my phone number on the Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Jared Bike recovered 2018.3.7

Found by a bike shop, and ID'd in the Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Bryan Bike recovered 2018.2.26

Found by a bike parking facility in Berkeley. And ID'd in the Bike index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Kristin Bike recovered 2018.2.25