Recovery Stories

A local bike shop/good Samaritan saw it, knew it was stolen thanks to the tweet or magical way in which y'all shared this information, and about a day later I was contacted by the police saying they found my bike!! THANK YOU! Such a miracle, especially in the city of Portland. wow. truly amazed. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Amanda Bike recovered 2019.11.21

The San Francisco Police Department called me to tell me that they recovered my bike, and found me from Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Yanny Bike recovered 2019.11.17

Recovered by the Edmonton City Police as part of a larger bust. They used the Bike Index to identify and return it to me. Huge thanks to you all! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Steve Bike recovered 2019.11.17

The thief posted an ad for my bike via OfferUp. The ad was discovered and forwarded to me by the Bike Index team. I met the thief and bought my bike back without conflict. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Vitaliy Bike recovered 2019.11.17

Someone saw my red bianchi on the corner. It was scratched up but he knew it was a nice bike and had seen it posted! He bought the bike from the guy who said it was his then connected me. I gave him his money back and a big THANK YOU! This was truly amazing! I cannot thank Bike Index enough!!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Julie Bike recovered 2019.11.13

Got a tip from an SPD officer through Bike Index that the bike was on OfferUp. Contacted the seller and gave them the Bike Index link. They were sympathetic and offered to meet up and hand over the bike. It's a bit scuffed up and missing accessories, but I'm so excited to have it back!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Eva Bike recovered 2019.11.13

A high school in Portland has a bike repair "shop" class. They receive bikes to work on. How they got my bike is a mystery. Whoever stole it maybe abandoned it. The teachers and students scour Bike Index when they receive the bikes. They saw that one of the bikes matched mine and they contacted me! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Julie Bike recovered 2019.11.11

Bike Index watchers informed me that bike was listed on Letgo and Craigslist. Informed police and they got me back my bike. Other bike still not recovered, but there is hope. Many thanks! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Bryan Bike recovered 2019.11.10

Bike Index watchers informed me that bike was listed on Letgo and Craigslist. Informed police and they got me back my bike. Other bike still not recovered, but there is hope. Many thanks! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Bryan Bike recovered 2019.11.10

Three people reported leads due to my posting on Bike Index. Someone bought the bike before the police investigated, but the buyer searched the serial and discovered he had purchased stolen property and reported it to me and the police. I can't believe how helpful the posting on Bike Index was. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Keith Bike recovered 2019.11.9

A couple was searching Bike Index to find their stolen bike and they saw my post. Coincidentally, they were eating at a food cart where the owner had noticed my abandoned bike at a homeless camp. THANK YOU to the good-hearted people of Portland who helped each step of the way. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Lisa Bike recovered 2019.11.8

We sent the bike to @stolenbikesbayarea, Bike Index, and a large biking Facebook group. Yesterday a friend spotted it. Cops were super helpful and took pride in helping. I backed up my claim by knowing every part of the bike. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Kelly Bike recovered 2019.11.7

Police contacted me by email, through this website, saying they recovered my bike. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Kyle Bike recovered 2019.11.5

Bike Index partner, Stolen Bikes NOLA, found my bike and returned it to me. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Catherine Bike recovered 2019.11.5

An anonymous caller found my contact info on Bike Index and told me where my bike was seen. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Daniel Bike recovered 2019.11.4

Omaha Police Dept’s Pawn Unit recovered it a week ago after the bike was stolen two months ago. Having filed a police report filed and sharing the serial number on Bike Index helped track the bike down. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Jeff Bike recovered 2019.11.2

Someone saw it on LetGo, checked Bike Index and reached out to me when they found it. Bike Index provided tips to recover it. The San Mateo Sheriff's Office helped me meet with the seller. Thanks everyone for helping me get this special bike back translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Walstad Bike recovered 2019.10.31

Nice man who had seen it left on the back of someone's car saw my number on Bike Index and called me! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Ian Bike recovered 2019.10.30

A local nonprofit bike group found it and called in local Bike Index ambassador Mike who arranged a meeting and we took it home. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike vladimir Bike recovered 2019.10.28

Found near my house. They found my serial number on Bike Index and contacted me. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Chris Bike recovered 2019.10.27

I received a message through Bike Index from someone who had my bike. Turns out his mother-in-law saw it sitting unlocked in downtown Seattle and offered it up to him. He recognized that it was a fairly nice bike and looked up the serial number on Bike Index to see if it was registered as stolen. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Allie Bike recovered 2019.10.22

EPS recovered it during an arrest. They checked the serial # on Bike Index and identified it. They returned it to me that same night. For the most part, I was able to fix it back up and am just grateful to have the bike back. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Kathryn Bike recovered 2019.10.18

SFPD saw the tweet on Bike Index. Thank you Officer Roan for getting my bike back. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Alexander Bike recovered 2019.10.15

Some kind stranger noticed it being sold nearly a year and a half after being stolen and notified me via Bike Index. I confronted the person selling it, who was not the thief, and they returned the bike without hassle. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Scott Bike recovered 2019.10.14

The Seattle Police Department saw it on Bike Index the same day as it was stolen and recovered it! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Adam Bike recovered 2019.10.14

I got a phone call from a guy who saw my bike on Bike Index and then recognized it on a local website for sale. I called the police, and they got it back for me the next day! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Peter Recumbent recovered 2019.10.12

EPS found the thief with two bikes and no explanation, recovered it and sent me a notice to pick it up since I had registered it on Bike Index. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Shantel Bike recovered 2019.10.10

Ride This Bike bike shop and Stolen Bikes NOLA id'd my bike on Bike Index and got it back on my behalf. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Eden Bike recovered 2019.10.10

Quick action by SF Police recognized my stolen bike. The dispatcher checked the serial number of the bike on Bike Index. This happened within an hour or two of the theft and my bike returned the same day! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Gary Bike recovered 2019.10.10

The police used Bike Index to identify the bike. The thieves tried to register the bike as their own but the police realized it was my bike and recovered it. The photo that I uploaded really made a difference. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Bryan Bike recovered 2019.10.10

A neighbor found the bike discarded in the neighborhood and found me through Bike Index. I had my bike back within 4 days of it being stolen! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Patrick Bike recovered 2019.10.9

I received an email through Bike Index letting me know that the bike had been recovered by the Edmonton Police. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Matthew Bike recovered 2019.10.9

My bike was spotted on Kijiji with the help of Bike Index and Stolen Bikes Edmonton. A Constable contacted the seller and recovered the bike. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Matthew Bike recovered 2019.10.9

Bike Index folks notified me it was for sale, police arranged a buyback and arrested the seller. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Pat Bike recovered 2019.10.7

A Bike Index user found it listed on Kijiji and sent me a message. We found the listing and set up a meeting to "buy" it and told the police. Serial numbers matched and the guy was arrested. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Jennifer Bike recovered 2019.10.4

A tip by a Bike Index member led to the Calgary Police Service Officers retrieving the bike from LetGo. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Farzin Bike recovered 2019.10.1

A woman who lives in the same area had her car stolen. The police found her car and my bike was inside. She found my bike on Bike Index and called me. I got the bike back in less than 48 hours of it being stolen! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Colin Bike recovered 2019.9.30

I got mail from my local police that they found it. They didn't give me details, but I am so happy to get it back in the same condition. Thank you, Bike Index, for your help. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Drazen Bike recovered 2019.9.29

I got mail from my local police that they found it. They didn't gave me details, but I am so happy to get it back in the same condition. Thank you, Bike Index, for your help. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Drazen Bike recovered 2019.9.29

Found it in the neighborhood because of a tip from Bike Index! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike James Bike recovered 2019.9.28

Someone bought it and shared the purchase on a local bike group. Someone else in the group found it on Bike Index and connected us!! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Zephyr Bike recovered 2019.9.28

Bike was spotted on LetGo and a member from Bike Index contacted me. We contacted the RCMP and within two days we got our bike back. Thank you, everyone, in this group! I did not know about this before my bike was stolen but now all of my family's bikes are indexed. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Jamie Bike recovered 2019.9.28

Someone from Bike Index emailed me about a post on OfferUp. The seller admitted it was stolen and returned it to me. I got my bike back! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Ryan Bike recovered 2019.9.27

Someone found it, looked it up on Bike Index, and called me! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Ben Bike recovered 2019.9.26

Someone attempted to sell it and that person found out it was stolen through Bike Index. Also had someone else who had seen it on Bike Index, spot an ad on Offer Up for it, and alert me. Thank you Bike Index and everyone that helped get it returned. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Christina Bike recovered 2019.9.25

EPS located it downtown and because we had filed a report and listed it on Bike Index. It’s banged up but at least my son has his bike back! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Rhiannon Bike recovered 2019.9.23

Thieves attempted to sell the bike at a second-hand store. The AWESOME employees recognized it from my Bike Index report, photographed the thieves, and contacted me. Several members on a local stolen bike page identified one of the thieves. I reported it and took back my bike without incident. translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Kyle Bike recovered 2019.9.22

Edmonton Police recovered this bike and returned it to me via Bike Index. Great work by the EPS! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Kurt Bike recovered 2019.9.18

The Bike Index community was vigilant and got it off Craigslist! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Gabe Bike recovered 2019.9.10

I received a call from a pawn shop two hours from where I live. They told me someone brought the bike in to sell it. The shop looked up the serial number and noticed it was stolen, so they called me. They said it was a good thing we had it registered. We are so happy to have it back. Thank you! translated from English

Photo of recovered bike Gretchen Bike recovered 2019.9.8