Police got it back after looking on bike index!!! Thank you!!!! That’s two of the three that were returned in a week :) translated from English
Your amazing contacts found it for sale and contacted me. I was happy to reimburse for the small amount she had to pay the guy to get it back for me. Thank you so much!!! translated from English
Potential buyer of stolen bike looked it up on Bike Index and reported it to police on site. translated from English
The bike was recovered by Calgary police. translated from English
Police returned it translated from English
A neighbor found it abandoned on the side of a path, checked the serial number saw it was stolen, reached out after taking it to his backyard to keep it safe until I picked it up. translated from English
I pulled into Walmart and saw my bike. After showing him that I had it posted on bike index he realized I was the actual owner and he gave up. Thanks. translated from English
Found and searched serial number linked to this website translated from English
Calgary Police found it with a known suspect nearby. However to the credit of Bikeindex.org, it was really the fact that i was able to report this stolen online quickly that aided in the recovery. translated from English
Someone on Bike Index saw it left on a different bike rack in the neighborhood translated from English
Calgary Police Service and Bike Index! translated from English
Someone bought this bike from a seller on Facebook Marketplace and then did a lookup using this site and realized it was stolen. The person was kind enough to contact me and returned the bike. translated from English
Thank you so much for this service you provide, and to anyone else with enough of a conscience to return stolen property. I am so grateful! translated from English
It was returned to Gregg's Greenlake cycles and they gave me a call! translated from English
Our city found it in a park, abandoned and contacted me using the Bike Index information translated from English
Someone contacted me said she had it in her sight and went and retrieved it, thanks Bike Index! translated from English
A BikeIndex user notified me that a bike like mine was listed on Kijiji. It was the same make and model, plus the bike in the Ad had the same off-brand seat that I installed which made it pretty unique so I was confident that it was mine. translated from English
A person from bike index saw it on Facebook marketplace and reached out to me about it. translated from English
Recovered by BVT bikes FB group translated from English
Someone called police from this posting. translated from English
The bike was donated to Bike Edmonton. Bike Edmonton ran the serial number through Bike Index and contacted me. I viewed the bike at Bike Edmonton. The wheels and cables were missing. I donated the remaining pieces to Bike Edmonton. translated from English
Contacted by local business who found bike translated from English
Edmonton Police Service found it north of downtown Edmonton. EPS then found the bike (and me!) on Bike Index. translated from English
Bike recovered by BVT FB group translated from English
Bike recovered by BVT FB group translated from English
Neighbor saw stolen bike on social media and called police when he saw it outside a local store. translated from English
Two days after my bike was stolen, the Edmonton Police Service recovered it, through Bike Index! translated from English
repo'd by BVT bike recovery FB translated from English
My local area was notified through the facebook page "Twin Cities Stolen Bikes" and they were able to verify my serial number through my listing on bike index. translated from English
recovered by burlington BVT FB group translated from English
recovered by burlington BVT FB group translated from English
My contact in the BTV stolen bike report recovery spotted it while recovering a separate bike and called me with its location at one of my local churches. translated from English
Bike Index activist recognized my bike, took it upon himself to recover it and contacted me through Bike Index. I’m the Luckiest Girl In The World! translated from English
Recovered by BVT FB group translated from English
Seattle Police recovered my bike and contacted me through Bike Index. translated from English
Stanford Police retrieved it! They found my info because of this site! translated from English
Individual who bought my stolen bike at a garage sale contacted me through bike index. The individual found me through bike index from my serial number. translated from English
Edmonton Police department with help of Bike Index listing the serial number! translated from English
I cannot thank you enough for sending the link to offerup over, I would love to buy you a beer. My adrenaline is pumping and I am filled with gratitude for y’all reuniting me with my favorite way of getting around. translated from English
I was able to get my bike back on Saturday. They were generous enough to even drive it all the way back to my neighborhood since it wasn’t in ridable condition. translated from English
Bike Recovery group and Burlington PD to the rescue!! translated from English
Got a tip from a person via bikeindex.org! They told me that he bike was hidden in some bushes at a property about 3 miles from the location of the theft. Police went and recovered bike. Bike was in perfect shape!! So happy. Thank you bikeindex.org! translated from English
A BikeIndex user purchased the bike and tried registering it here. Then she saw the bike was stolen and contacted me to arrange a meeting to return the bike to me. translated from English
recovered by BVT BikeRecovery FB translated from English
recovered by BVT bike recovery FB translated from English
Bayou Bicycles doing their homework. Thank you so much! translated from English
HUGE appreciation to the admins of BVT stolen bike recovery group!! I got my bike back!! It was spotted downtown and I was able to track them down about 20 min later. With the help of my roommate, a friend who saw me chasing him, and some friendly standers by outside of CM. translated from English
A woman in my community saw it and grabbed it for me. There is a Facebook group called Stolen Bikes Kamloops in my city that is very dedicated to finding stolen bikes. translated from English
The Calgary Police noticed a man riding it and checked the bike index then found it. They also called the local bike shop Ridleys in calgary where we got it from. The bike shop had a database of our bike purchase which help the police officer get our phone number. translated from English
Ran across a guy walking it through twelfth and imperial trolley station in San Diego. The transit cops ran the report and verified with bike index! translated from English